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No nudies from this trip unfortunately! It was a family trip and there wasn’t a single time I wasn’t with family during it so no time for a naked shoot haha. But just in case any of y’all were interested in hearing about and seeing photos I thought I’d post a few up here.

My mom likes to pick a random place for us to meet up once a year. This year she picked St. George, Utah. It’s very pretty in Utah. I ended up being super sick the week of the trip though. Even though I was sick and exhausted I managed to only miss one activity. There was a hike planned that involved walking through quite a bit of water on a chilly day so I skipped out on that one to avoid making myself feel a lot worse. I did the hikes that didn’t involved water though. We also explored a lava shoot. Which looks like a cave. It was hard to get in though. Basically the entrance was like a big hole in the ground. It was a tight fit and hard to climb in without falling. I did it though! There were this tiny bats in there asleep. They were so cute! Getting out of the cave was just as hard as getting in haha. I didn’t know how I was going to get out but a nice guy helped me out.

Jiji, my cat, she loves to travel. She does amazing on car rides. She slept most of the way there on my lap. I don’t drive anymore because my fatigue has gotten so bad that I can’t stay awake to drive longer than 30 minutes without having to pull over and nap. So my job was to care for Jiji during the drive, give directions and keep the music going. We took her for a hike towards the end of the trip. She absolutely LOVED it! She made friends with my mom’s dogs so when she saw them arriving to the park we were at (we arrived before my mom) Jiji came running down the rocks to say hi to my mom’s dogs haha! It was the cutest thing ever. I knew Jiji likes dogs because when we see dogs at the park in LA she gets excited and wants to meet them but I wasn’t sure how she’d do living in the same space as 3 dogs for several days. She did so good though. She played with the dogs and was only scared of one of them at first. She was nervous around the biggest dog but by the last day she accepted him. She took a nap with my mom’s little dog which was so sweet. Have you ever met a cat who loves dogs? Jiji isn’t into cats but she adores dogs lol.



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