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Titanic: Honor and Glory has been going on for a while, and so mistakes have been made... the technical interior design of the ship. The team has made *absolutely* no mistakes during production (that was a joke.) See what we really want to correct when it comes to the historical side of Titanic's design! These are the big ones! 📽 Titanic (1953) A Night to Remember (1958) SOS Titanic (1979) Titanic (1996) Titanic (1997) Downton Abbey (2010) Titanic (2012) ◼️ GIO'S PATREON: ◼️ THG PATREON: ◼️ TITANIC DECK PLANS: ◼️ THG WEBSITE: 🎶 Titanic's band composed by Ege M. Erdogan. 00:00 Intro 03:16 'Mistake' 1: White Corridors 05:13 'Mistake' 2: The Bottom of the Grand Staircase 07:10 'Mistake' 3: The Reinforcement of Scotland Road 09:14 'Mistake' 4: The Piano in the D Deck Reception Room 09:21 'Mistake' 5: Illuminating the Dining Room