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I've posted both versions of these pages. And there are only minor changes on Page 1 Panel 2, Page 2 Panel 3, and Page 3 Panel 2, 3, and 5. Mostly these changes were adjustments for skull shapes, expressions, and replacing bad art. During the time I was first creating this comic, I was making 4 pages a week so the quality of a few pages were not where I wanted it to be. Page 2 Panel 3 in particular was redrawn several times years ago before I told myself to move on. 

The original plan was to finish Chapter 2's revision pages to give even more time for writing, but I'm happy to say the outline for Chapter 6 is coming along quite nicely. Hopefully I'll have something ready to show my beta readers soon.

Lore Entry for Goblins will be coming in on Monday, a Commission on Wednesday, and the hope is that the first page of Chapter 6 will start on Friday.

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Typo? "Overloading he dimensional belt" should it be "Overloading her dimensional belt" or "Overloading the dimensional belt"?