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I love how these pages are coming out. The next two pages I'm working on are turning out great and I'm looking forward to the next two pages I haven't even started.  There's this anticipation on seeing what's coming with the next page when I ask myself, what would make this more... 

See you guys soon.

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Honestly on the last page my immediate thought was "Why not throw something from outside the aura?" Since apparently even spells have enough "realness" to make it through the negation aura I do question why the plan was to send in hounds with rocks.


well the spell the Prisoner used was hard light formed into a drill - which dissipated before reaching Aegis. As for rocks - they are being included. Comics are meant to be read in chunks of 20 at a time - so everything will feel slow on these biweekly releases.


I mean the blue and green beams hitting that afro hound in the current comic. He appears to still be inside the void zone. Unless I am misinterpreting that.


oh yea he has just walked out in front of the aura. Panel 1 shows him being partially covered up


Está más interesante que Spiderman. Dale caña campeón


Agradezco la comparación. Pero no estoy familiarizado con los cómics de Marvel modernos. Sólo trato de hacer los mejores cómics que puedo.


Ni yo. Hace muchos años que leo comics de marvel. Lo que hay ahora no sé ni como describirlo. Me encanta ver como dibujas y como desarrollas las historias. Como te esfuerzas por superarte y seguir dando lo mejor. Te aseguro que si hay alguien que tiene que dar las gracias soy yo