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Channeling my inner One Punch Man for these fight scenes. Fucking love the first season. In awe of the manga and the artist Murata. And absolutely adore the shitty webcomic that serves as the blueprint for the entire series by the create 'ONE.' Wonderful work. I've seen art videos where Murata completes and entire page in less than an hour. He claims that he often finishes 12 pages a day and I believe it. Part of the reason why he can work so quickly is because he just copies the panel layout ONE creates for the near stick figures in the webcomic, whose layout and shot choices are just excellent on their own.

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Sparrow Rewards
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Divinity Rewards




En España se dice que la experiencia es un grado pero... ¿a qué coste? A mi me encanta el manga y en especial Akira Toriyama y te aseguro que Dragon Ball (por ponerte une ejemplo) era absolutamente mejor que Dragon Ball Z y así sucesivamente con la saga. Lo mismo pasa con los mangas de hoy en día, Marvel, Star Wars etc...Muchos medios pero nada de contenido porque hoy en día se prioriza la cantidad a la calidad. No caigas en ese bulo. Imagino que es difícil cuando no se tienen los medios pero te aseguro que estás haciendo un gran trabajo


Thank you for the kind words. And I quite agree. I would never sacrifice quality for speed. But I think I should strive to have both. And Murata can only draw quickly. He’s just copying the panel layout from the webcomic for One Punch Man. That saves an incredible amount of time.