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Part II of II~
This almost expanded to need a part III. What I was thinking was to include additional artwork about each hound type. I'll create character sheets and writeups about each hound type and what makes them unique. Those should be started after 2 more lore entries.




Are the Ariesteans immune to being mind controlled by each other? Also I smell a plot point regarding them always operating in teams of two, meaning the prisoner had a companion...


That's a very good question. The answer is partially. They are immune to mind control in most ways. You don't create weapons like Aristean Operatives without creating some firewalls - even against each other. So you can't exhaust or drug an Operative and expect them to be weakened inside a mind bridge. They'd have a fair chance to resist AND they would have specific magical enhancements and training to resist such efforts. But! Each operative is heavily indoctrinated and mind scanned before graduating to ensure they are loyal. Even in the comic, the Prisoner abides by certain principles even though he does not have to. Is it because he has some shred of morals or is it due to Aristaen brainwashing.... And yes... you are right about the way way future plot point. dun dun DUN. ....