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Naked Constance was spread on all fours above the soft sheets of the king-sized bed inside the guestroom of the Rakasa estate and underneath her, lied her dark skinned girlfriend, Ksi. The red hair kept herself busy with kissing and s*cking the right tit of her polish lover, while her only hand ventured down under the W shaped crown of Constances pubic hair. The slim girl let out a soft gasp, feeling Ksis fingers pressing on the hood under which the little love-button was safely tuckered.

During this, another pair of lips, unfamiliar yet to Constance, was making it's way up her back, from the space between her shoulder blades, up her neck, then gently bitting her ear. A completly new hand, delicately slid it's way along the polish girls spine, all the way down to under the tailbone, into the valley between Constances toned ass cheeks, where it's fingers found a soft ring of delicate flesh to toy with. Shivers of excitment appeared on the slim girls body.

Feeling this, the woman above her softly whispered.

-How does it feel doctor Jotkowska? Making love with your girlfriend and her mother at the same time?-

Constance turned around and looked straight into the deep green eyes of Mesara, the mother of the girl under the both of them, who was now gently nibbling on the polish girls hardening nipples.

-Like a creamy filling, that's about to melt between two hot and delicious dark cookies~

Mesara smiled coyly. Ksis mouth let go of her lovers breast and giggled silently.

-Oh, Constance, Constance, Constance, Constance...-

Inked version.

Early sketch version [13/10/2017] https://www.patreon.com/posts/creamy-cookie-14847297

Done with black pen on ink.

Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska, Ksi and Mesara Rakasa and art © me ;3



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