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After a few lenghty months of studying old manuscripts, maps and sailor stories the girls are finally able to find the old pirate ship of the famous lion pirate Blackmane Benny.

The shifting ocean currents had raised the wreck from the bottom of the atol, but burried it underneath tons and tons of sand. It's not going to be easy to dig down into it's interior to uncover all the possible riches that were lost to the world for many centuries.

But Ksi can't really hold a shovel with one hand... and that only means one thing...

Collie-vacation time~

Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska, Ksi Rakasa and art © me ;3




How very convinient~


*Constance gives Ksi a kids sandbox playset with a small bucket and a small shovel* Get to work.


Wonder if construction workers (engineers) do write off the time they spent building sand castles as "work experience". It's quite possible to get that "young, fresh out from university, with +6 years of working experience" which companies look for with that attitude~


xD Nah i think that's just considered freelancing and wouldn't be counted