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The girl picked up her kitty faced black thongs up from the floor and threw them on the couch behind her.

Taking two steps towards the center of the room, she slowly spun around presenting her young, naked body. Despite her diminutive height, her build was close to perfection. From the short cut blonde hair on top of her head and a silver ring in her right eyebrow, down through her mesmerizing, emerald green eyes to the full lips covered with a shining purple lipstick. Below her pretty face, was probably the only detail which was disfiguring her ideal skin complexion, a scar left by a deep cut. But that was quickly put aside, as a pair of large, jiggly and perky tits decorated with protruding pink nipples lured the viewer away. Further down a firm stomach, with a single silver stud placed in the girls navel. And nestled between her shapey thighs was a juicy peach with two pairs of delicious lips to lick and taste, topped with a single stripe of blonde fuzz.

-So... your name's Geno. And you're over 18, yes?- the man behind the camera spoke with a noticable trace of lust in his voice.

Hm... I think I saw this job interview formula somewhere. Can't exactly pinpoint where though~

And to be fair, I did sketched this one more for the trope value as I'm not really a fan of this type of low effort, amateur porn that the internet is oversaturated with.

I swear, if would be obscenly rich I would just hire an adult movie studio to shot a piece based on one of my ideas or stories I've gotten, featuring Coyotka and Ksi, or Geno and Conrad. Not sure who I would cast in the roles though, but I would at least try to choose the actors as accurate to existing art as I possibly could xD

Geno E. Vefa and art © me ;3




You'd make a mint indeed~ and then bad sequels being done without your approval


"Oh, totally." she replied with a wink >;3