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The door to the small, upstairs bedroom opened up with a slight creeking noise, but it was not silent enought to go unnoticed by the sensitive ears of the older fox.

Opening his sleepy eyes, he turned his head towards the entrance. In the dim, cold light emanating from the cable TV decoder display, he observed a curvaceous shadow belonging to a young woman, that subtly snuk inside the room and closed the door behind it.

Taking advantage of the repeating noise as the doorknob locked itself in place, the fox spoke.

-Huh, oh, you're one of my daughter's friends. Right?... the girls are sleeping downstairs, in the living room.- he locked his eyes on her fine figure, hugged by her tight black nightgown with a large, white, smiling kitty face printed on it.

-But I don't want to sleep with them...- the female whispered, taking graceful steps towards the bed. Then, with a display of feline swiftness, she made her way on top of the bed, placing herself on the vulpines thighs. The man wasn't even able to fully grasp the situation, as the cat girls paw landed on a noticable mound formed under the thin sheet and begun to caress it gently.

-What, why?- the fox spoke with embarrasment upon the touch, almost a whine in his voice, as he prompted himself on his elbows, trying to wiggle his way from under the younger female.

-Because I want to sleep with you tonight... daddy~- the girl vocalized that last word with a very seductive tone and grabbing the bottom of her dress, she revealed that she wore no panties under it...


Ah, the good, old "college girl has fun with her friends father during a slumber-party" role-play scenario... always a classic? <:D

Looking through some old sketches in the WIP pile, still finding some that are decent enought for finishing up. Still unsure if I should keep or drop the paws in favor of normal feet.

Geno E. Vefa and art © me ;3




very much a classic~


College. Certainly not where my mind was. >.>


In my defense, Geno is too old to pretend to be anywhere else, but college x'D