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Here, in the safe and secluded resting place of the coyote den, we're witnessing a very common occurance happening between the big, european coyote and a smaller canine, the indian collie.

While the canid females do enjoy eachothers company on a daily basis and do seek pleasure in purely ritualistic acts of mating, more then often, the polish coyote must underline her alpha position in their little pack of two. That either be by vocal hints, like shouting and insults, or by physical ones, like gr*ping and squeezing the collies erogenous zones.

So when the time comes that the coyote will demand more force and passion from her female partner, she better get it with more force and passion, otherwise the coyotes predatory instincts will start to emerge, overshadowing the large canids everyday polite and well mannered demeanor.

Once that happens, the smaller collie will be subdued to the deviant whims of the larger canid and find herself bound with ropes, gags and other tools of erotic pleasure... although, from our past studies of the lesbian couple, we came to a conclusion that deep inside the collie is very eager to be overpowered by the large coyote and treated like nothing more then a lousy harlot~


"What's that green light blinking from between the book... IS THAT ANOTHER FUCKING CAMERA? How do these wildlife observation freaks even install them here?!?"


It does seem like we'll have to cut short our studies today. The coyote has been alerted by our observation equipment and will now proceed to disable it. But don't worry dear researchers, as usual, our abroad team will follow them on their next jungle escapade while our home team will set up a new survailance point inside the coyotes den.

Thank you for tuning in for todays episode.

Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska, Ksi Rakasa and art © me ;3




Lookit the fantastic form of those tits! You never cease to amaze. hehe The pose and scene is great, too.


Read in every documentary commentator's voice ever~ interesting choice of pose i'll say though, give's Ksi a bit of a handle, despite seemingly being in her submissive moment


Had no idea about what to write in the comment section for this piece, so I came up with a theory with anthros living among hidden wildlife observation cameras, that's why we often see moments from their lives that should be extra private. In a similar way, how some people say "Earth" is a reality show for aliens and each year is a new, wild season of humans doing stupid shit. This theory of course, doesn't cover only my characters~


Thank you very much. The form and shape of those tits will only improve from now on >:3c