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When you want to invite your besties over for a friday chill-out evening with promisies of a movie night and snacks, but they misinterpret your words and take you as "the snack". Not that Conrad would complain about that~

Didn't do a new threesome with Conrad, Geno and Nopast this year, was slow on drawing mood during summer, as it usually happens during hot days. So instead, I took this time as a chance to catch up with coloring the 2022 and 2023 pieces. Next year I'll start thinking about it much sooner and hopefully come up with some fresh positions for a bisexual threesome >:3c

Color version.

Early sketch version [27/08/2022] https://www.patreon.com/posts/snacks-chill-71101848

Inked version https://www.patreon.com/posts/snacks-chill-72722601

Done with black pen on ink and OC on colors.

Nopast © himself

Geno E. Vefa, Conrad "Coyotek" Jotkowski and art © me ;3




Happens when you are the most tasty snack after all~