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-Thanks for making me this "schoolgirl uniform" costume for our Halloween party Geno!- Coyotka spoke while admiring herself in front of a mirror.

-Not a problem. I would never turn down a request from my best 'yote ragazza... say, would you mind me taking a photo of you in it and showing it to Conrad?-

Constance squinted her eyes.

-What sort of photo Geno?-

-Do not worry. Just a normal pose, nothing erotic.- Geno assured, grabbing her phone from the pocket.

-Oh, so something anime inspired? Something cute like Peace signs or the famous toast in mouth?- Coyotka wondered.

-Nah, just pose like this.-


-Really, like this?-

-Yeah, like this.-


-Ok, but I don't know why you want such a bored and bleak expression.-

-Oh trust me Coyotka, he'll know. They'll know...

Inked version.

Early sketch version [31/10/2020] https://www.patreon.com/posts/costume-for-your-43366940

Done with black pen on ink.

Geno E. Vefa, Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska and art © me ;3




Four years ago I didn't know... Now I do...


And knowing is half the battle! GIJOE's would say... but sometimes the only way to win a battle is to not to battle at all x'D