Meet me at the Red Light~ [SKETCH] (Patreon)
The polish explorer girl is holding a business meeting with the captain of the boat who's job will be getting her safely out of the country, along with the artifacts she had "acquired" during her travel. Artifacts, which would certainly be taken away by the rigteous customs officers at any border control and put our explorer girl behind bars.
And we can't have that, eventhough I'm guessing that her prison "adventures" would be equally as thrilling as her jungle "adventures".
Anyways, what place could be better to hold such a secret meeting than a love motel in the harbour towns red light district? ...don't answer that.
Here, it's easy to blend in for both, the captain and Constance, who probably dressed accordingly for the occassion... and that dress can be accordingly removed from her once the negotations about the smugglers cut will be reaching a boiling point.
... though, I don't think that doing it on the balcony, for everyone to see, was what she usually agrees on. The captain must've had drive a hard bargain, eh?
... hopefully, Ksi's not around to see this. Or is she?~
So the idea for a larger and more crowded urban scenery (a red-light district to be precise) image has been on my mind for a while now and originally, I came up with this setting, view and angle as another chance to do a big group picture for my Patrons, similar to the "Hidden Refuge" one, but after sketching the pose on the right and making it take up half of the scene I accepted that it won't work with this perspective. I need to broaden the viewing angle with drawing the background in a lense-styled perspective with dominant curvature and preferably a from below point of view.
Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska and art © me ;3