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An European coyote girl enslaved and sold into a harem. Such rare species like her were a unique sight in the southern territories and owning one as a bedmate, was a true symbol of status, power and wealth among the middle-eastern nobility during the early medival period~

Just wanted to draw Constance in some fancy harem jewelery, nothing to be considered character canon in this image... or we can just say that it's the coyote twins very-great-super-great-grandmother. Who knows if running into troubles, doesn't run in the family for generations ;3

Inked version.

Early sketch version [08/12/2017] https://www.patreon.com/posts/harems-jewel-15777026

Done with black pen on ink.

Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska and art © me ;3



Fluff Dragon

The great perspective view on my most favourite tote gal, and I can enjoy all the details on her jewelry. Nice the grey scales on her eyeliners. I guess you set the scanner to keep the pencil still visible. My scanner is set to keep only the dark lines