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-left - pin-up that run out of leg space (figures!), probably was suppsed to have sexy lace - always a classic~

-center - kidnappings in some backwater town. Image was fine mostly and I would finish it, but it got water damaged, surface got wavy and I lost the will to progress on it. Downside of having a desk next to a window and potted plants on that window.

-right - tied to a totem and getting "cultural enrichment" by some native. Don't know why this one got scrapped in progress, probably had my reasons?

Ksi Rakasa and art © me ;3




I always say that it's great to see the what lands on the cutting room floor. Sometimes there are some real gems, and even if not, it can give inspiration for other ideas. Really like the boobs (big surprise) of the first one. And the pose of three looks like a lot of fun. Here's hoping that idea might get revisited, some day.


This compilation was made last year, one of the pre-prepared uploads for the downtime when I was moving apartments. And now I actually do know why the right one was scrapped. I found a doodle in my idea-pad (a collection of many small, pen sketches and ideas to be made into proper art one day) that expands on the pose. Ksi is moved further in the left background and scaled down, while on the right side another totem is added with tied Coyotka. So yeah, return to the classics, totems with tied up naked ladies and some very mean tribals xD