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Following the earlier post, I'm dropping some extra Sun sketches.

I don't draw her often, so there isn't much of her that got scrapped over the years. Most of these sketches are from early 2010s except, of course, from the right one which I'll explain.

I know some of you were looking at it and went "that doesn't look like Sun", well, mommy cat design went through a few of changes in my head, one of those changes was dropping her feline species and switching to something more uncommon... so why not a mommy hamster? Sketched it, liked it, but in the end I thought that such a big change would be to drastic, making her feel like a completly new OC then a tie in with her old self.

Sun and art © me ;3




Middle set showing that she's quite flexible herself~ and hamster is a pretty rare one, let alone as an anthro. The hair also threw me off for a bit x3


Lookit those magnificent tiddies in top-middle! <3 I've seen how a few artists have changed and/or evolved some of their characters, over the course of their time drawing. Some designs have shifted considerably, while some have shifted only a little bit. That said, I don't think you should feel like any change is "too drastic". Even if it comes out as looking like a whole new character, that doesn't mean it's no longer the character you envision. I understand that there is a certain level of -relationship- between the audience and the character, as much as their is between the character and the artist. Too much negative push back from the audience can ruin the joy of drawing a character. I... was going somewhere with this. I'm not sure where, anymore. XD