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Gosh Geno, ever heard of knocking? So inconsidarate!

But who am I kidding, she probably heard some *plap, plap, plap* action going on in that stall and wanted to take a peek.

Afterall, it's good to make new friends and contacts in this line of "business". 

Never know if there won't be some touring football team that will be hiring "entertainment" for a celebration after winning the local league cup~

Finished commission for Exenthal of their shark dragon girl being a "small local business". God bless the cute girls that are "small local business"~

Inked version.

Early sketch version [07/10/2023] https://www.patreon.com/posts/busy-busy-busy-90044904

Done with black pen on ink.

Exenthal © herself

Geno E. Vefa and art © me ;3



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