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Pig on monday, rat on wednesday, cat on friday... the young coyote woman was willingly giving her body to any male that was brave enought to ask her for a night together~

Quite a non-canon series that was born more from the concept, then the characters themselves. A peeping angle through a unlocked door, a innocent girl you know and different males that you do not know using her. Originally I thought I would do these images with Geno, but oddly I found her not fitting the idea as the whole thing could simply been tagged under her doing her "job". Constance on the other hand, had all the needed traits~

Constance "Coyotka" Jotkowska and art © me ;3




Here's hoping in this little non-canon series, brother gets some, too. >;3


It works well because we only know the one Constance, not the one that would keep having one nighters with these random guys~ (I mean willingly, compared to what she usually does just to get treasures through)


But not this year. This year I'm working on that passed out Geno piece :D


She differiates between pleasure and business. Business are whatever she has to go through on her adventures, while pleasure is quite similar, but it involves her bedroom and her "lucky" partner adorned with binds and a gag ;D


Not really, just this piece https://www.patreon.com/posts/dangerous-dreams-82041434 in ink and color ;D