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Just a passionate evening with Conrad and his favorite space feline~

A little bit self-indulgment sketch for JAM'24, which I already got mostly covered when it comes to posts, as previous year had Coyotka https://www.patreon.com/posts/whipped-cream-81186045 and Ksi https://www.patreon.com/posts/roses-are-red-81186687 pieces with Jenny that didn't got into last years upload queue.

You might be thinking, what about a piece with Jenny and Geno? ... there ain't one, but I might have a more fitting idea for her in the future~

Jenny © Hasbro

Conrad "Coyotek" Jotkowski and art © me ;3




I dig loving moments like these~


The internet needs more Jenny!


Me also, but I can only imagine them for charactes I have an emotional bond with. I do hope that Conrad in DikranO's new novel will have a nice closure with a lady character, so I can draw a similar scene with him and her. A somewhat canon wife for him. Just please don't be gay again x'D


You know how things go ;p i'll be very sweet to you also