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Hi everyone! Halloween is almost here! That said, I have 11 designs left to do for the spoopyfy series and I don’t think I can finish them before October ends so deeply sorry for that. However! I’ll still finish the rest and start a new poll sometime next month. Or maybe I can do some regular sketch requests as a bit of a break and start a new redesign challenge set on December. Again, I apologize. I may be able to push out some more before the 31st but I’ll be focusing mostly the rest of the month on some NDA stuff.

I’ve finish all the patreon rewards recently (so look out for your messages tomorrow) and will be finishing my commission batch right now with just this one left to shade. But yeah, I did say I’m opening slots again this month so I will for tier 2 patrons and above and whatever slot is left for public! Waitlist if also available if it goes beyond 6. Here are the prices same as last time:

This time, I’ll open 6 slots on any category on October 30, 9:00 PM Philippine time (GMT+8)

Like before, invoices will be sent via paypal and these are for personal use only. If you have any further questions, please let me know down below!

And with that I’m off to bed.


Zero Zivan

Will you be taking lists now, or on the 30th? Because I would like to get a sketch page!


I don't think anyone is too put out it'll take some more time to do the requests. Your work is appreciated, but don't overwork yourself!