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We are so long overdue for the last 3 gens to make their debut in the Mystery Dungeon series (or idk if they were in DX, haven’t played that one yet). While I love PMD2, I would prefer a completely new entry so I can play as a rowlet or have my partner be a rowlet.

I’m debating on whether to post these publicly before the Pokemon Day stream or after.




Love the Poketeams. Hardcore praying that we do get it on the day for a new PMD journey.


I’m not saying I’m getting my hopes up….but what if I was getting my hopes up, Would looove for a new generation of PMD on the switch ugh. Nintendo did have a survey asking fans what spin off games ppl were looking forward to at one point, I wonder if there will be any merit to it. Also would love to have a Rowlet partner sit on my mc’s head wtf adorable