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January reward is ready!

Please check your direct messages (Community tab) for the link. This pack was sent to all “Special” and “Hungry” patrons who subscribed in January.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

P.S. If you were a patron in January but didn't recive your pack, please send me a message.




Thank you for the great work!

Shannon and AL (edited)

Comment edits

2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 04:57:10 Beautiful, as always!
2025-02-01 03:31:11 Beautiful, as always!

Beautiful, as always!

Maeljin Incarna

Love that you included the "Modern Outfit" set as a bonus. I've only just discovered your work and it saddens me that I missed so many hi-rez versions of the past ones. So keep 'em coming.

Antonio Rodriguez

I became a patreon this February, but is it possible to get the pack? :( I came late

Olena Minko

Previous packs you can buy on my BuyMeaCoffee. Also "Hungry patron" tier includes one of previous packs each month. https://buymeacoffee.com/lenaminko2/extras