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It's been an unforgettable month!

Thank you all for being with me all this time! Your support motivated me to not be afraid and try to create a visual novel game! It was very cool! I can't express how much fun I had in the process!

In April, I want to start fulfilling my second dream and bring my characters to life: Elena, Buffy and Elle. I will start working on a game with them.

Also next month we have an adorable character - Jasmine. I adore her!

I also have a question for you: how do you feel about sometimes having a visual novel game instead of a comic?

P. S. Don't forget to check your private messages for the links to this month rewards :)



Jessie Apel

I like comics better


I think the game was really fun! I'd love to see more of those, as long as it isn't too much work for you! But having comics sometimes it's really good to 😊

Mr A

Thank you for the lovely months! I am so glad your first game was with Zatanna. Both Game and Zatanna turned out amazing! Wish you succeed in all your future works!

Anissa Roy

I love your comics, but I really loved the game, too! It's a nice variety.

Deves Matwawana

This is great. Another month for you :P