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Yesterday I had a visit to the doctor.

First, I learned that lately a lot of people have been dealing with similar complaints. It seems that life in stress does not pass without a trace for anyone, and now the moment has come when the mentality of people began to fail.

I thought I was dealing well enough with the stress of all the events in my country. It turned out that I was not.

I got a very nice doctor. He listened to all my complaints and found a treatment regimen without the use of heavy antidepressants. The main task that faces me is to cure my insomnia. Once I've dealt with this, all other problems will be much easier to solve.

The doctor gave me back the faith that soon I will be able to return to my usual way of life and again enjoy drawing and sports!

For now, all I have to do is eat, walk, and sleep (and take pills).

Inspired by hope, I went to the store and bought myself a sketchbook. Haven't picked up a pencil in years!



Rebecca Smith

*hug* as a person who has fought the black dog before, don't worry about us. Do what makes you happy, and if that is drawing, draw what makes you happy 😊 look after yourself

Oreo Tom

I battle anxiety and depression on a daily basis..so I can relate although I cannot say I know what you are going through..it affects us all different. I am happy that you have found help and are on your way to recovery. Positive thoughts and vibes.❤️


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ This is great to hear, Minko! I hope you're able to make progress and feel happier! Sleep is so important 😊 do what's best for you and we'll be here when you're ready! I love those sketches! 😍


I’m rooting for you! And Yay! Sketch book! You’re pencil drawing are beautiful! I’m excited to see more of them in your posts! I wish you all the sleep you need :)


Very excited with the hand drawn opportunities

Sebastian Yost

Doesn’t look like you’ve lost your touch! Good job getting the help you need ❤️


Glad you’re getting better! I’ve had sleep struggles and started using blue light filtering glasses and have noticed some improvements

Olena Minko

I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through all this. I hope that very soon you will win this battle and that you will have many sunny and happy days in your life. Hugs!!!!


I'm so happy you have a positive mood again! A lot of stuff has been going on for a while and the atmosphere has been bleak at the least. We're all powering through it and we know you'll pull through as well. Love the sketches!