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Jessica awoke feeling fantastic. She was sore, of course. After a night like that, how could she not be? But even with the aches throbbing all over her body, deep in her muscles and bones, Jessica felt satisfied.

She was more thoroughly pleased than she had been in over a year. It was a pleasant buzz that danced over her skin, tingling. It was the feeling of warmth that bloomed from deep in her belly. It was the afterglow of getting laid.

And damn did Jessica Drew get laid.

She sat up in her bed then, raising her arms above her head in a morning stretch. The gratifying pull on her bones and muscles drew a soft moan from the superheroine’s lips. She let her slender arms drop to her lap, letting out a content sigh. Jessica wasn’t even a morning person, but she felt like she was glowing.

With a pleased hum, she threw her bare legs over the side of her bed - her very messy, clearly battle-scarred bed. Standing naked in her bedroom, the brunette spider-heroine stared at her place of sleep.

A part of her was shocked - she and her gentleman guest had really put the bed frame to the test, hadn’t they? Another part of her was a little proud. The state of her bed - hell, the state of her whole damned bedroom - was only a sign that Jessica Drew got the fuck of her life last night. And from how great she felt this morning, she must have handled that stud like a champ!

Speaking of that stud…

Jessica planted her hands on the small of her back and leaned backwards, stretching. Her mind focused on the young man she had taken home last night. Lance Thorne, the new superhero on the block. He had saved her from becoming roadkill. He had defeated that giant robot. And then he flew down and flirted with her. Old school superstud behavior it was, Jessica remembered with a wry smirk. And she had rewarded old school heroics with an old school reward.

Perhaps it was a bit more wanton than Jessica normally acted. But it couldn’t be said that it wasn’t worth it. And there was the fact that young Mister Thorne was built like a Greek god… Good lord, was he gorgeous. And those bloody eyes of his, so silver and full of charm… Enough to make Jessica’s heart skip a beat.

A giggle bubbled up in the superheroine’s throat as she vividly remembered how those same silver eyes stared deep into her own as their own fucked her wildly on her bed. Her bed… It was only then that Jessica noticed that her bed was empty. Her superbly sculpted lover was nowhere to be found.

For a moment, Jessica dreaded that Lance might have done the reviled “pump and dump” to her. But an instant later, her acute senses alerted her to some goings-on outside her bedroom.

The first thing that she noticed was the smell. It carried upon the cool morning air, right into her nostrils. What followed was the sound, her ears greeted by the unmistakable cacophony of kitchen work. Jessica’s stomach growled and her heart fluttered. Her handsome guest hadn’t bedded her and dipped. He had decided to make her breakfast.

A beaming smile spread across Jessica’s face. Indeed, it was nice to experience kindness from such a strapping bloke - especially after having such sour luck in the dating field for the last few months. But Jessica didn’t just feel pleasantly surprised, she felt overjoyed. And towards a guy she had just met, too.

Somewhere in the back of Jessica’s mind she knew it was odd to feel so strongly for a man she’d only slept with once, even if he was quite the dashing fellow. Hell, she knew his pheromones had more than little to do with it. But Jessica didn’t care. She wanted to see his handsome face again… And maybe give him another passionate showing of gratitude for rescuing her fine ass.

Jessica found her man busying himself in her kitchen, just as she expected. Even so, she was delightfully surprised. The display that graced her vision was one of bare, bronzed skin and firm, solid muscles that looked like they were chiseled from stone. The creature that stood before her was a man. And he was bloody gorgeous.

Adonis in his undies… Making me breakfast…

Jessica could barely contain her glee. Bouncing on the balls of her feet like some giddy cheerleader, she bit her lower lip and observed. Lance was situated at her stove, his back turned towards her while he focused his attention on a pan of scrambled eggs and bacon. Jessica drew her eyes up his body - good lord, did this man take care of himself - shamelessly drinking in the perfection of his musculature. Of course she took some extra time to truly appreciate his ass. So tight and firm, blessing her eyes even when they wrapped up in a pair of black boxer briefs.

Smartest decision you ever made bringing this one to bed, eh Jess?

The nude brunette lingered at the kitchen entryway for a few moments longer, eyeing her early bird guest like she was a starving lioness and he was a juicy, dripping slab of meat. His smooth, deep voice shook her from her lustful stupor.

“I woke up a while ago. Thought I might make us some breakfast. I hope that wasn’t too forward of me.” He turned then, flashing her a winning smile. His silver eyes twinkled then, just like they did yesterday, and Jessica almost forgot how to speak.

“No. Not at all. I don’t mind, that is…” Jessica watched him shovel scrambled eggs from the pan onto a large plate, scooping them with a spatula. The scent of the food was stronger now, carrying a hint of melted butter. It smelled scrumptious.

Then the superheroine blinked. She gave the half-naked man an incredulous look. “You knew I was standing here the whole time?”

Lance gave her a friendly grin. He turned off the stove and deposited the hot pan into her kitchen sink.

“I have superhuman senses. Sight, smell, and sound, all kicked up to eleven.” He said to her, placing the plate of eggs and bacon onto the kitchen table. Then he pulled out one of the table chairs, looking at Jessica expectantly.

She took the hint.

“Looks, manners, and the superpower jackpot.” Jessica tittered teasingly as she took her offered seat. This Lance Thorne was a charmer indeed, but Jessica’s heart was fluttering like a schoolgirl’s. She flashed the younger man - she was positive that he was a college boy - a flirty smile. “And they say a man can’t have it all. It’s like you were built in a lab.”

“I was.” Lance said with a cheeky smile.

Jessica laughed. So did her gorgeous guest. It wasn’t even that funny of a joke. But Jessica was in too good of a mood to care. Besides, laughing at a bloke’s dumb joke was a global woman pastime wasn’t it?

Lance offered her a fork for her plate of food. She took it. And instant later she was chowing down on bacon and eggs à la beefcake. And, as she had suspected, they were delicious.

As the superheroine sated her morning hunger, a new craving began to stir inside her. Just by seeing Lance again had stoked a fire in the pit of her belly, smoldering embers turning to flame. And she could feel it growing stronger.

Eggs and bacon. Savory and juicy. High protein. Jessica liked her some protein. But there was a very specific kind of protein that she thirsted for in that moment. And he was sitting half-naked at her kitchen table, right across from her.

A solid slab of muscle, wearing the devil’s own smile. And stuffed in his boxers, Jessica knew that was where the real meat was waiting for her.

- - -

It shouldn’t have been surprising that the spider-babe would be so damn hungry for another taste of the Titan.

After spending the better part of last night letting Jessica experience every inch of his god-like body, Lance knew the lady was hooked. And there was the matter of his pheromones doing their thing. Being in such close proximity to Lance and his natural ability to charm and seduce, there was no doubt that the Spider-Woman was now his.

The beautiful heroine herself seemed so determined to prove it, too. She didn’t even make it halfway through the breakfast he prepared before she slid off of her seat and down onto the kitchen floor. Lance was impressed that the woman held off on her lust for as long as she did, eyeing him up like he was a slab of meat while she shoveled eggs into her mouth.

Now, she was kneeling between his legs, gazing up at him with wild green eyes while running her fingers over his groin, massaging him through the fabric of his boxers.

“Breakfast is nice.” She purred, giving the sizeable bulge in his underwear a daring squeeze. “But I had a tastier meal in mind…”

Lance gave the insatiable vixen a grin. Messages didn’t get any louder and clearer than that.

“By all means, help yourself.” Lance spoke in a low voice, almost a growl. He spread his legs and slid his lower half forward onto the edge of his seat, making an offering of himself.

Jessica took her opening with barely contained glee, letting out a quiet giggle as she reached up to tug down on the boxer’s waistline. Lance lifted his butt off the seat, letting her pull his dark underwear down his tree-trunk legs.

Lance gave a soft grunt as his cock and balls were exposed to the morning air. He felt them drop downwards to brush against his thighs. The young hybrid god sighed. It always felt good to let the boys loose. But the best part came when he looked down at Jessica. He got a wicked thrill watching her face, savoring the look in her eyes as she was struck full force with the scent of his manhood.

He watched her eyes glaze over slightly, noting with pleasure how her look of intent now faded into an almost dizzy expression. He couldn’t help but smile. There was nothing more magical to a man than seeing a beautiful woman drunk on his cock.

Lance expected the woman to begin her feast immediately. Instead, she took a moment to just stare at his dick. She drew her eyes up the length, watching it twitch and throb against the cool air. She was captivated by his manhood. Mesmerized even. Even to a hybrid god, Jessica’s reverent gaze was one hell of an ego boost.

Then she made her move… But still she didn’t begin her oral worship. Lance breathed in, his sculpted body going tense as Jessica pressed her face right into his groin. She buried her nose into his hefty ballsack and inhaled. Lance could see her eyes shine with drunken glee then, like his scent alone made her head spin.

Damn… She really is drunk on my cock…

It was amusing, pleasing, and startling all at the same time. Angela the guardswoman hadn’t been this hooked on Lance and he had given her multiple blasts of his pheromones.

Perhaps the strength of his power over women enhanced over time as well. Lance had an inborn knowledge of his powers. He knew what he could do. But how and by how much? He was a bit fuzzier on those. God or not, he had some more learning to do.

…Just as Jessica was learning of the true enormity of Lance’s manhood. She really was making a valiant and passionate effort to familiarize herself with his body, especially her favorite part of it. It truly was a sight to behold: Spider-Woman burying her lovely, pale face into Lance’s bronzed balls.

She took another deep inhale of his musk and let loose a low, throaty moan, shuddering.

“God…” Her honeyed voice wavered. Her hands traveled upwards and she flattened her palms against Lance’s belly. She felt up his abs, moaning again as she found them firm and unyielding as iron. “Where the hell were they keeping you locked up, handsome?”

“Argentina.” Lance answered truthfully.

Jessica gave a short giggle against his balls. She had taken his answer as a joke.

The brunette gave a soft hum then. Lance’s stomach coiled as he felt her tongue swipe the underside of one of his testicles.

Spider-Woman let out a long moan, clearly savoring the flavor that graced her tongue. Immediately, the brunette grew more daring. She flattened her tongue against Lance’s sac, lathering his scrotum with slow, sensual circles. It was heavenly.

“Ah… Fuck…” Lance leaned back into his seat, letting the heat and the pleasure brought on by Jessica’s rolling tongue wash over groin and his body. He reached out, raking his fingers through her silky, black hair, gently cradling her head… And not-so-subtly urging her to go on and do more.

She did exactly that. Letting his balls rest on her tongue, Jessica curled the wet organ inward to guide both bulbs into her mouth. Her soft, plump lips closed around Lance’s balls. Then she sucked.

Lance felt a blissful coiling in his gut as Jessica’s tongue swirled around his nuts, lavishing his hefty gonads with a thick coating of her saliva. All the while, the raven-haired minx stared up at him, looking past the length of hard, swollen flesh that rested upon her pretty face. There was lust in her green eyes. But so too was there adoration. There was love.

The sight made Lance’s cock throb. The long, veiny monster twitched upon Jessica’s face. It yearned for the delectable sensation of her lips and tongue, the divine warmth of her loving mouth. It was as if his prick was a beast with its own mind. And it seemed that Jessica could sense it, too. A moment later she spat out his balls. The two spit-coated bulbs slapped wetly against his inner thighs, clenching as they were thrown out into the cool air.

Lance hissed through his teeth. But the cock-drunk heroine gave another throaty giggle. She rose so that her lover’s swollen cockhead was just level with her full, glossy lips. She watched the long, thick beast twitch and pulse with need. Lance said nothing. He allowed his manhood to make its silent demands. And Jessica answered by giving the head of his prick a lingering kiss. Her eyes never left Lance’s.

Mmmwa!” She broke the kiss, making a show of it. Her green eyes twinkled with naughty promises. Lance, in turn, gave her a hungry look. He was going to hold her to those unspoken words. But Jessica was undaunted. She held his cock by the base, her slender fingers drumming softly against the shaft. She gave Lance a wicked little smile. “I think I’ll have some cream with my eggs.”

Lance would have rolled his eyes at that kind of dirty talk. But Jessica backed up her words by tonguing his cockhead, swiping the hot, wet organ along the tip of his prick. Then she popped it into her eager mouth, not allowing the younger superhero the chance to steady his nerves.

Lance gave a beastly grunt as his cock was bathed in warmth and wetness. Jessica took her time with the cockhead, lavishing the bulbous tip with loving attention as she had done with his balls. She swirled her tongue around it, giving short bobs of her head. She used her lips to massage the edge of the glans, every brush, every stroke, every lash of her tongue sending waves of white-hot pleasure through Lance’s body. The blazing ache pulsed through his nerves, sending his blood boiling in his veins. The hybrid god could feel his seed roiling in his balls.

The pleasure was maddening, almost intoxicating. But even the blissful sensations of Spider-Woman’s mouth couldn’t fully cloud the Titan’s mind. The words she had purred to him just moments before still echoed in his head. She had spoken them loud and clear. But it was only now that they truly registered in his mind. It had been sexy dirty talk, indeed… But Lance still wanted some clarification.

“Uh…” Lance’s words got caught in his throat as Jessica began to use her hands on his shaft. She stroked him as she continued to suckle upon the head of his cock. “When you said… ‘cream with your eggs’... What did you mean by that?”

Jessica still stared up at him from between his legs. There was brazen desire clear on her face. She gave a soft hum, sending delightful vibrations thrumming over his length. The cock-hungry superheroine released Lance’s prick with a lewd, wet pop.

“What do you think, handsome?” Her voice was sweet and flowed like hot honey. She gave the glistening cockhead another kiss. And Lance could see in her dazzling green eyes that her words were not an empty promise.

The pheromones have her hooked on me bad

Now that Jessica had gotten a taste of Lance Thorne - a whole night’s worth - the spider-babe wanted the whole damn meal! She didn’t just want his body and his big dick, she wanted everything his big dick could offer her. Jessica wanted the natural progression of a sexual relationship. It was clear in her eyes, Lance saw: Spider-Woman wanted to get bred.

Rather than being struck with a moment of pause, Lance instead felt his heart race faster. Seeing the beautiful Jessica Drew, the sensational Spider-Woman, naked and on her knees, running her lovely tongue up the side of his shaft… It made him realize something: He wanted this super-babe bred just as much as she did. And of course, Lance wanted to be the man to do it.

“But before we get to the real good stuff…” Jessica continued, tapping the tip of Lance’s cock against her pillowy lips. Every smack left a thin strand of spit connecting them. It was hypnotic. “I need to get myself a taste… right from the source…”

Then she dipped her head down and took his cock back into her mouth. And not just the head this time. She dropped further down, allowing more inches of his length to glide into her warm, wet mouth.

Lance’s head fell back as his manhood was engulfed in the sweetness of her lips and tongue again. This time, however, it was more than just teasing. This time, Jessica Drew went to work.

Before, the affection she had showered upon his dick had been slow and sensual. Now, she was bringing a storm of ecstasy upon his cock. A whirlwind of tongue and saliva swirling down his tick, throbbing shaft.

The pleasure was delectable. It fueled the heat inside him, the primal lust that burned deep in his soul. Lance cradled the back of Jessica’s head as she bobbed in his lap, sucking him deeper into her mouth. He looked on as the naked woman serviced him with uncontained zeal. The sight of a woman so desperate for his seed sated his more savage, barbaric desires.

Yes, Lance decided then. He would breed her. The Spider-Woman would carry his children. Children, plural. He would give her as many as she wanted, as many as she could take. There wouldn’t be a day that would go by when Jessica’s tight, sweet pussy wasn’t carrying a load of his cum.

It wasn’t just the idea that drove him wild. It felt right. Like filling Jessica’s fertile womb with a load of his potent, virile seed was something that he was made for. Like it was the reason he existed.

She’s already enthralled because of the pheromones. I might as well take this all the way.

The Spider-Woman was a tough, gorgeous woman. As expected from a superheroine. If anybody was woman enough to carry Lance’s children, it’d be her. It just made sense. The Titan was going to impregnate Spider-Woman. But not today. There were other superheroines out there. Other women worthy of taking the seed of the young god. Lance would need to meet them, too.

In the meantime… Lance felt the eager brunette had earned a reward for such a spirited performance. If he let her go on until she made him cum her way, they’d be sitting in her kitchen until the evening. So he would give her an early prize. Such was one of the benefits of total control of his body.

Lance let Jessica give his cock a few more feverish sucks, her slender hands stroking what she couldn’t take into her mouth. Then he met her besotted gaze, looking right into her beautiful green eyes… And came.

Her moaning was music… But nothing was better than the sound of her gurgling as he flooded her mouth and throat with his seed.

She drank it down greedily. And Lance was left with no doubt that he had chosen a keeper.


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