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“Home sweet home…”

The comfort as Kei fell back onto the sofa was nice. But the view was even better. Reika’s slender, delicate beauty alongside Sei’s more stunning figure. Both women were very welcome sights to the teenager’s eyes.

They strode into the apartment - Reika’s apartment - after him and Kei just sat back and watched as they moved. It really didn’t take much to get his heart racing. He was a man of simple tastes. He liked long legs, wide hips, flat bellies, big breasts, cute lips, and bright, lively eyes. Between the two of them, Reika and Sei had more than enough to keep Kei’s attention.

It was almost a shame that they were out of their GANTZ suits. All that tight black leather, clinging to their bodies… It was a miracle they didn’t distract him more often in the field.

But dressed back in their civilian clothing, the two women provided just as juicy a feast for the teenager’s hungry gaze. Reika in her black skirt and stockings and her tight white sweater. And Sei in her tomboy get-up, black boots, tight shorts, and unzipped hoodie.

Their bodies were proud, boasting bold curves that couldn’t be easily hidden by their clothing. Even as they simply moved about the apartment, their femininity was almost defiant in its openness - a certain bounce that Kei’s blood wouldn’t let him ignore.

From Sei especially.

“These fights are getting almost too easy.” The biker chick boasted, striding forth into the living room. The cocky smirk and the spark in her eyes, Kei knew them both well. Not even a minute back home and already she had his prick stirring in his pants. “I hardly broke a sweat this time!”

“Come over here then.” Kei leaned back into the sofa, putting on a smirk of his own as he leered at the taller, older woman. He made a show of drawing his eyes up her long, firm legs. “I’ll give you a real workout.”

Across the room, Reika gave a shocked laugh. Kei’s eyes flashed to the idol singer’s face, catching a small blush… and her pretty face struck with scandal.

“You’re such a perv, Kei.” Her tone was one of admonishment, but it was feigned. The shorter woman gave a flip of her long, silky black hair, her eyes lingering on Kei as she followed him and Sei into their shared apartment.

Even months after settling into their little… arrangement, Kei Kurono still couldn’t believe his luck. It was one thing to be brought back from the dead by the GANTZ sphere - though being saddled with killing monsters dampened that a bit - but to have Reika and Sei agree to share him was on a whole ‘nother level.

Reika retreated into her bedroom - their shared bedroom now - and Kei found his eyes glued to her rear end, watching her short skirt swish and swash around her thighs as she walked. He wouldn’t tear his gaze away until she was out of sight. Then his eyes danced over to Sei, the tall, busty biker babe who had made a man out of him.

He watched the older woman strip off her hoodie and toss it onto a nearby chair, leaving her in only her shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Her arms and legs were nicely toned, but nothing could take away from the sheer womanliness of her figure. Sei may have been a tomboy, but no one could ever deny how much of a woman she was. Kei certainly couldn’t… not after getting a taste of that womanhood himself.

Sei met Kei’s gaze, her eyes shining with humor… and something more. Kei felt the warmth in his loins bloom and spread. The older woman moved in front of him, staring down at her teenage lover with her full lips curled into a saucy smile.

“Look at all that confidence. He kills some monsters and gets a little taste of pussy and now he thinks he’s some sort of stud.” Sei crossed her arms under her bust, causing her shirt to bunch up and rise an inch or so over her belly.

Kei’s heart continued to shoot hot, frothing blood to the reaches of his young, lean body. His cock continued to twitch and stir. But on the outside, the teenager kept his expression still, calm.

“I didn’t hear you complaining.” He replied smoothly - as smooth as he could. His eyes shot to the bedroom door, just in time to see Reika coming back out. The slender girl had gotten rid of her coat and stockings, now only in her sweater and skirt. Kei grinned as he locked eyes with her. “Either of you.”

“Oh, shut up.” Reika rolled her eyes. But Kei saw that her blush had darkened.

He’d come a long way in the few short months he’d spent fighting for the GANTZ sphere. One day Kei Kurono was a scared teenage punk, and the next he was fighting monsters and getting laid. He thought back to his first time, popping his cherry with Sei - she didn’t care that he was a teenager or that he was still in high school. For some reason, she saw something in him that was worth her time… Kei made it his mission to show her just what that was.

Getting his dick wet for the first time, fucking a hot older woman up against the wall, it may very well have been the switch that really changed him. Driving his hard cock so deep into that tight, wet heat between Sei’s legs, feeling the blistering pleasure of life, of living… it really put things into perspective.

Maybe getting his life hijacked by GANTZ wasn’t so bad. Before, he was living a boring, aimless life. But now? Now he was doing something that mattered, saving the world from monsters… and draining his balls into total babes like Reika Shimohira and Sei Sakuraoka.

Sei’s snort shook Kei from his thoughts. The biker tomboy remained standing over him, now with her hands planted on her hips. One of her eyebrows was raised - she was impressed by his cockiness.

“He’s got a point.” Sei cocked her hips to the side, drawing Kei’s attention to how well they filled out her shorts. Full, lush curves stretching against the dark fabric. Sei continued on, her voice a low, sweet pur. “It takes a certain sort of man to handle me just by myself. And so far he’s been handling the two of us just fine.”

Sei gave a soft hum, throwing Reika a teasing look. “Or do you disagree?”

Kei saw Reika’s blush darken even further - until the idol singer turned away, scoffing.

“Whatever.” Reika muttered - though the slight waver in her voice couldn’t be missed. “You’re both a couple of sex freaks.”

Even after weeks of sharing a bed, Reika remained bashful. Kei thought it was cute. And those little blushes always made his dick hard.

Sei threw her head back and laughed - a rich, sweet sound. Though Kei was particularly interested in the things it did to her chest. Between the two women, Sei was the more womanly by far.

“Can’t help it, babe. Life’s short. We gotta enjoy all we can. Especially in our line of work.” Sei told the younger woman, all while shooting the sitting Kei a meaningful look.

Kei knew that look in the older woman’s eyes. And he loved what it always led to.

The lust, the desire could not be mistaken. And Kei was done waiting. A successful mission for GANTZ called for a celebration… and he knew just how Sei liked to blow off steam.

“I’m ready to enjoy some of that life right now.” Kei gathered up every bit of his macho spirit and put it into his voice, smirking up at Sei as he spread his legs apart. Just to make sure his biker babe couldn’t miss the tent in his jeans. “Bring that sweet ass over here. I know you want to work off those nerves.”

Off to the side, he heard Reika give another scoff, a token show of being scandalized. But Sei? He could see how her eyes lit up. The glimmer was of keen interest. The passion only a woman who lived on the edge could ever know.

Sei said nothing for a moment. Kei watched her face go still, thoughtful. But then his vision darkened. Sei had moved quickly - tugging her shirt off and throwing it right in Kei’s face.

The scent was musky and sweet. But it was only a shadow of the real thing. Kei tore the woman’s shirt away from his face - just in time to see Sei dropping her shorts as well.

The biker babe stood before him, nearly naked. Tall, proud, and wearing only a pair of black panties. Kei breathed in, his eyes feasting. Her long legs, full and firm. Her flat belly, taut with muscle. And her large, teardrop tits. Every inch of her was lucious and milky pale. Smooth skin, flawless and made for his hands, for his lips.

Sei moved closer, her bold, abundant womanhood taking up the teenager’s vision. Kei felt his cock stir, straining almost painfully against the fabric of his jeans. The heat in his gut was a furnace now, threatening to burn him inside out. He loved it.

But even better was the look on Sei’s face. The look that promised him so much more.

“Are you a mind reader, too?” She asked him, giggling. She reached down to stroke his chin. Her touch was warm and soft. Delicious. “Tell me, punk? What am I thinking right now?”



Love the new projects but dying for an update on Thor Champion of the Realms


Glad you're liking the new stuff! There'll be another Thor chapter before the month is out!