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This set of 12 hi-res images and 3 videos has been moved to the Archive for $25+ subscribers. Upgrade your support to gain access to over 250 archived sets - literally thousands of images and videos!

Since it was very cold and wet on top of that mountain (even colder than I had anticipated), this shoot was done quick and dirty as we could, so I didn't take time to shoot too much behind the scenes footage. I didn't shoot enough horizontal video to really make a proper edit of the footage for you BTS patrons unfortunately, so I have just uploaded the videos I DID manage to take. You can enjoy Ariel being silly, me sounding distinctly like I don't like my actual profession (which is that of an painter/drawer, not a photographer), as well as watch a timelapse of the last sequence in the shoot.

Oh! The location for this shoot (which I only give to my BTS patrons) is right on the trail about 3 minutes walk from the end of the parking lot for Mt. Wilson Observatory in the Angeles National Forest, about a 40 minute drive out of Los Angeles, CA.



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