Cacia in Spanish Broom - BTS (Patreon)
This set of 26 hi-res images and a video is now a part of the massive Archive folder for $25 patrons and above. Consider upgrading now to access thousands of images and videos.
I have included images from just before, during, and also after the shoot (we went out to eat, and then back to her place to hang and smoke weed and talk for hours), but I think the main point of this set is the video, since Cacia is always more interested in moving, in acting with her body in motion, than in POSING.
I edited together a small bit of the footage I recorded for Cacia Zoo while I watched her do her thing. She just needed to MOVE. Its not really dancing, and it feels strangely private even though its totally performative. At times its almost silly, and other moments becomes hypnotic. Also - the music is composed and performed by Cacia herself.