Emily in Bear Canyon - Part 2 (Patreon)
This set of 39 hi-res images is now a part of the massive Archive folder for $25 patrons and above. Consider upgrading now to access thousands of images and videos.
I like to shoot "regular folks" but what does that mean? They are somehow not blessed with the DNA that gives them strange outlying traits that make them fit into this odd, narrow sense of what is supposed to be "beautiful" at the moment (and lets be clear this concept changes constantly throughout history)? It kind of silly when we think about it. This makes it fun to shoot them though, and find all those shots that, without even the tons of photoshopping that goes into commercial images you see of models online, reveal their own allure and beauty. Anyone can get those sort of shots actually! Its always nice to send them the resulting images and get their enthusiastic feedback when they see themselves in the right light and angles and color treatment in the right setting, even when they were feeling so vulnerable with no clothes on.
Emily actually has a really good attitude about her health and figure and looks, but she still appreciates this body of images we have been building up the last couple years documenting her physical self, and gets surprised to see herself looking “sexy” even in a few of the shots.
Also, and commentary on people's particular body parts is not something i usually make, but every time Emily and I look through our photos of her together, I always comment on how damn cute her nipples are - I dunno I just love them! Is that weird? Or do you all have particular taste in nipples too? I am curious. I love the variety and shapes and colors of bodies - as an artist that just makes life more exciting, but anytime I revisit shoots with Emily that thought of loving the look of her nipples pops up again in my head.
We are aiming to do it as a long term project with annual shoots if we can execute a virtual shoot this year. its really been a dream of mine to document a bunch of folks over many many years, so maybe she will be part of this grand plan.