Special Delivery (Patreon)
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When he Pandemic started taking hold in the US and lockdowns went into effect, most of the folks in the nude model/photography community started turning to doing "FaceTime shoots" to keep creating during the quarantine and social distancing restrictions. Some photographers I know have really turned it into a successful short term business model to tide them over in these crazy times. Since I moved to Japan right when the shit hit the fan, I was a bit busy with other life matter to pay attention to photography (I haven't done a shoot since January) so I never jumped on that bandwagon and started doing these remote shoots. I am still not exactly sure how they are supposed to be done, and I may not have a fast enough internet connection out here in the Japanese countryside to pull them off adequately.
A few times over the summer though, certain close friends of mine wanted to do a shoot of some sort and were sad that I was no longer in Los Angeles to photograph them, so we gave a shot at shooting over the internet. I will say that its a HUGE pain in the ass - very frustrating for me as a photographer, and a lot of extra work for the model. I did have fun doing these shoots because it was great to spend several hours straight with particular friends of mine (especially since they were naked most of the time), but it really made me feel like it wasn't worth booking time with a proper model for this kind of shoot unfortunately.
My first attempt with this FaceTime shoot (actually we used Zoom - a first time for both of us using the app actually) was with my really dear friend Sarah, an artist who makes a living as an InstaCart delivery person, which makes her an "essential worker" and means she has had a secure living, but a stressful life during the Pandemic. She is also super kinky and needs an outlet for that sort of stuff, though it became harder to do so in the socially distanced world. So it made sense for us to have a bit of fun shooting a "naughty essential worker" scenario in her living room. Due to the hassle of getting her set up for the shoot we didn't take it far other putting her in actual work uniform with lingerie underneath, but it still made for a lot of hilarious innuendo during our shoot that really made me miss hanging out with this kooky woman!