Smoke on the Water (And Fire Underneath) (Patreon)
This set of 34 hi-res images is now a part of the massive Archive folder for $25 patrons and above. Consider upgrading now to access thousands of images and videos.
Back in September of 2019 I got Taylor and Celia, two of my dearest friends together (they had never met) to mess around in Celia's pool (not that kind of messing around!). Celia had a smoke machine and we had wondered what it might look like to push smoke out on the water (cue Deep Purple) and shot split "over/under" shots of her. I knew it was really the kind of set up that needed a whole crew to execute properly though, so even for this experiment I knew we'd need more hands - Taylor jumped at the chance to hang and do some creative tinkering.
This set is more tame than most of what I post on here, I hope you don't mind! We were just focused on tinkering with the set up and I never got around to asking them to get out of their bikinis (which is strange for me - I normally spend most of my time with both Celia and Taylor being mostly naked). It was a real pain in the ass, and a learning experience. We really need a better way to control the spread of the smoke - with no boundaries on a large pool is just drifted away so quickly, so we quickly abandoned the smoke machine and concentrated on the split shot aspect. Split over/underwater shots should really only be done with a very large dome port on the underwater housing (I have a small 5-inch dome port and its small size made it had to stay right in between the surface when the water was moving at all). Still we had a lot of fun, and some the images are pretty interesting as far as all in-camera, practical abstractions. Plus Celia and Taylor always look great, so I never mind staring at them for a few hours...