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I can totally understand you want to publish these files for us. Especially when your patreon Page is lacking some prmised contest (which is ok for me cause these calendars are hell of fun). But I disagree spoiling some suprises that would have come up. Im doing the slutty calendar and I'm on day 10. Know I know whats coming in the end. At least I can guess. It's even more difficult to understand because of your effort with the whole cookie thing doesn't allow us to skip. Now you skip it for us.


I understand this may make you unhappy, however it has always been my stated intention to release edited versions from some of the days in the calendar as stand alone files. I have been doing it at a pace so that they would come out on the same days as someone who started the calendar when I released it or later. I put far, far more work into my calendars than I ever promised, and am very happy I did- but some of the files are too good to be just in a calendar, and I wanted to share them. There are also many patrons who for whatever reason will not be doing the calendars, but still very much so will enjoy having the files themselves. This post is not intended for those currently on the calendar. It is intended for those who can't/don't want to do the calendar. As to "Patreon page is lacking some promised content" - I have been keeping my patrons updated on the circumstances and my priorites to the best of my abilities. I am one person, I cannot magically make files that properly done will take a week appear over night. In the past my patreon has moved a bit slower, and I had no past indications it would rise as fast as it has, putting me behind. I have stated my goals for files will be completed, and I have shown in what order I will most likely be working on them <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-winner-21489911">https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-winner-21489911</a> here. Now I could always burn through this list real fast by creating sup par and hurried shit that still matches my promises. And my next promised cum calendars could be a spread sheet detailing activities and nothing else. But that's not me, so you are going to have to wait as I make things to MY standards.


Nothing wrong with the Intention to publish it as a standalone file for those who dont do the calendar. But then why do you describe it in the first sentence with the exact day where to expect it. However you might have your reasons, I guess it spoiled the suprise for quiet a few. After all the effort you've put into the bulky progress system of the calendars I can't understand this. And of you really want to leave this Info in the Stand alone you've could have waited atleast 1 more week or so... I won't go into detail with the "lack of content" theme because I agree with mostly all of it. The lacking is completely acceptable after seeing what a gem you've created with the calendars and im happy you take your time doing things in the needed quality. I love your content and so do a lot more people. But the way you've published the stand alones.. Well, I dont agree on that. So do whatever you think is the best. I wont stop the pledging because of some little mistakes... But maybe you do it a bit different next time


To be honest it's not something I thought on that much. The Slutty calendar is not a denial calendar, so knowing you will cum is not really a spoiler in my eyes. I suppose I could have left off the day of the calendar itself, but leaving out that it is in the calendar altogether would have it's own can of worms. There is still plenty of surprise in the file itself, so do not let tags and a description convince you you wont have fun :)


Trust me shibby, when you are involved there will be plenty of fun. Thx for responding to me and explaining your decisions. After all you are completely right, it's nö suprise that an orgasm will be involved in a day. Guess I have to re - listen MINE and BONDAGE a few times so I can't even imagine to critize anything of you anymore... :)


Thank you domina :)