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Hey cuties ! The fitness calendar of November will be one day late this month. Since I needed to film some parts directly at the gym it was hard to find less crowded areas and time frames. I Promise it'll be good and worth it!

Preparing 2 new calendars at the same time hehehe one related to building muscle and one for pole dancing !! I'm very excited heheh

Thank you for your patience ! In the meantime, little reminder that all of my past workouts are all located in the pinned rewards post and gathered in the gym buddy collection my patreon!




Thank you for the update! Pole dancing is so fun!

Alexandre is fluffy cosplay

IT IS ! It will also be made accessible for all in the sense that their will be a version for those who have access to a pole at home, and another version on the mat to strengthen your body and get better when you do get on the pole !


Thank you for all the hard work and giving us so many options. It really helps.


thank you for all the hard work you put in every month for us 🥹 also, will the gym part of the calendar be weights only or would i be able to do the same exercises at home?


thank you so much <3 we appreciate you 💚