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GA 5X09


Madiha Naeem

CANNOT wait for next weeks episode


Them talking to the interns at the end really pissed me off. The interns did this unbelievably stupid thing because their mentors are not only not teaching them AT ALL! They belittle, bully and treat them like they are worthless! ALL of the residents should of been put on probation for this! All of them screwed up. Meredith was told about the cutting and didn't give a crap because she's a very selfish person. Izzie is too busy hallucinating her dead fiance, and Alex is chasing the solo surgery and couldn't care less about actually teaching, and George? He was one of them and the minute he passed and got his residency, he acted like he was better than them. I will say, Lexie WAS going to back out but stupid Sadie cut herself open. Bailey was firm with them but she taught them. Allowed them to ask questions, and guided them through procedures.