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Joe, Maggie Smith has passed away😢 RIP🙏🏻🕊


The 3rd installment is apparently going to be about Ed Gein, who was said to inspire fictional movies like Silence of The Lambs & Psycho. Dude made furniture out of his victims’ bodies. 😬🤢 🤮


I totally understand the idea of taking different people's perspectives to create the story, but it's Ryan Murphy pretending like he didn't add in a bunch of random things and that it is all "based on research" that is annoying. Like Lyle's character was just made-up, he was nothing like the Lyle people described during the trial. Also at lot of the stuff with Erik's sexuality wasn't great. All of the speculation stems from one of the prosecutors who made so many demeaning comments towards Erik during the trial, concisely trying to insinuate that everything Erik did was an attempt to seduce men. If a friend spoke about them swimming, "Was Erik naked then?" When Lyle said Erik slept in his room after confessing about the abuse, "Was Erik trying to sleep with you that night too?" When Erik spoke about the abuse, "Are those just fantasies you have?" I really don't think that's a "perspective" worth giving attention to.


i definitely recommend watching their trial footage. you will get a lot more insight on the case and truer facts. they definitely left some stuff out and they definitely overdramatized it. and i also think watching the real erik and lyle speak, their emotions and facial expressions show it all. also leslie and erik playing hangman was real. she wasn’t doing it to cause a scene or annoy the judge, she did it to distract erik from all the terrible things they were saying about them and the case. overall the show was really good the acting was phenomenal but then when you realize the show is about real people and a real case it being portrayed inaccurately ruins it. it’s a shame that it’s not accurate. ryan murphy seems to have done more harm then good. i hope the lies won’t effect anything to come if they do get a chance to be free. they deserve it. they have been in prison for 35 years i think they deserve a second chance at life.


Lyle and Erik spent 22 years apart before being moved back together in 2018 🥲


I wish he had just done Ed second and left the brothers alone


Me too. Woulda been a better continuation on the Dahmer series than the brothers were. Lyle & Erik are murderers, yes, but they aren’t serial killers. They’re just infamous, which probably played into choosing them in the first place. Unfortunately.


can you react to the documentary coming out oct 7th? Erik and Lyle worked on it I believe, but I do know for sure that it's factual unlike the show. Or there's a Erik tell all documentary 2017 or ofc the YouTube trials


I really dislike this show :/ I’ve been following the case for years and have been so interested in it, being one of the most controversial sentencings I’ve seen. This show insanely misrepresented these two men and their story, it almost disgusted me at times to watch this show. I really do take an interest in this case and was horribly disappointed! That aside, the actors did so well in this show and I applaud them for that. Ryan Murphy is an interesting one indeed… I hope you check out the real story and/or court videos. Bone chilling words from them. Glad to have watched it with you though❤️