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“team lorelai till the day i die” i know that’s right!!!!


WOOHOO! Gonna watch instantly. :)


lorelai’s face when she looks at luke after meeting april breaks my heart every time. ugh. i love luke dearly but this was bad. and the fact that he didn’t pick up on her sadness while they were talking about postponing the wedding?


Her face killed me, as i said at the end, you can tell she\s hurting badly, great acting from Lauren yet again


I’ve never understood why Lorelai offered to postpone the wedding here when she clearly didn’t want to but Luke man… read the body language


If you’re curious, Lorelai’s letter to Logan was on display for a while. You can read it. https://www.reddit.com/r/GilmoreGirls/comments/rqsh0w/the_letter_lorelai_wrote_to_rory_encouraging_her/ Forgot to mention. Don’t read the comments. There be spoilers there.


To be fair, Luke tried to tell her before (the moment she came down the stairs in her wedding dress), but sure, he postponed and then somehow kept postponing, and here we are. I think their relationship dynamics are just a bit different than them just being friends, and Luke didn't handle this well for sure.


Yes, I had the same thought (for the 100th time lol), "look of betrayal". :)


I cannot WAIT for next EP. Cinematography genius, is all I will say (a part of it). :)


the thing is, we didn’t see all two months of their relationship in the three episodes that april’s been around. they’re engaged, they see each other every day. he could have told her at literally any point in the two months


I assume he tried a few times (one of which we saw, and the other was obviously in this EP, when he feared she would drop by), but it looks like he ended up avoiding it, felt confused, compartmentalized, tried to make sense of it all...not great, but it happens. And so far, we haven't seen Luke being exactly fast with things, given how long it took him to realize he needed to be with Lorelai. :)


i totally agree with that, i just hate it for lorelai’s sake. you could genuinely see her heart drop when she realized that someone she loves (who was, quite literally, just preaching to her about honesty) hid something as huge as this from her for two months. luke being scared and compartmentalizing explains it, but doesn’t excuse it.


Since I prefer Logan to Dean & Jess he's the only thing that keeps me going when watching this show from this point on. Jess I feel like ppl like bc of the actor (plus the actors IRL dated so there's chemistry there) but I actually think Logan & Rory suit each other more I like their dialogue/ banter more they feel like a real couple whereas Jess & Rory were a real STRUGGLE relationship from beginning to end they were a WHOLE MESS.

Flavia Barcellos

It's classic Lorelai to try and blame someone else when it comes to Rory. Remember when Jess crashed the car, and suddenly he was the bad guy? She just can't hold Rory accountable for any of the mistakes she chooses to make. None of this is Logan's fault. And as for Luke... He had plenty of chances to do the right thing. It's like he just wanted to mess everything up.

Lindsey Swift

JOE, will you marry me? sorry, not sorry lol! I've been in so many relationships like Lorelai and tried to be the bigger person and push my own hurts and feelings and emotions aside. BUT, for you as a man to actually get it, is so refreshing!!!!!!!!!


jess crashed her car, though.

Flavia Barcellos

Even then, Rory told Lorelai it wasn't Jess's fault, but she still didn't believe it. Even when Rory told her that Logan spent the night in jail because of her, Lorelai still thinks it's all Logan's fault. She just refuses to see her daughter's screw-ups.


it was jess’ fault, though. it was an accident, but rory wasn’t driving. we saw in that scene how many times he took his eyes off the road for an extended period of time. rory just felt bad that he was getting so much heat for it. logan wasn’t at fault for the jail incident, but he definitely has had a questionable influence on rory. the rory pre logan versus now are very different people. i agree that she tends not to blame rory first, but that’s a pretty instinctual reaction for parents. she also doesn’t always blame other people; when rory had an affair with dean, she completely laid into her about her role in it and didn’t let her get away with thinking didn’t do anything wrong.


Even shittier thing about Luke not telling Lorelai about April, is that he found out RIGHT after he got mad at Lorelai for not telling him about Christopher calling. And that night he was all about "telling each other everything" and "no secrets"

Nicole Mathers

I’m sorry but how are we not talking about Zack’s OC reference??? “Welcome to the SH bitch”. Like Luke said to Ryan in the first episode of the OC😂. Sadly, it reminds me of how Lane downgraded from Dave to Zack once Adam Brody left to film The OC 😩

Flavia Barcellos

I'm not saying Jess was right, but I'm drawing a parallel about how inflexible Lorelai’s perception is when it comes to Rory. Am I saying she’s wrong or unrealistic as a mom? No. But it’s still worth pointing out. I think there's a misconception in the fandom about how much Rory is supposedly influenced by Logan. I believe Rory IS the "person she becomes after dating Logan". She just needed to step out from under her mom’s wing and experience the world for that side of her to come out. Her future shows it, and it's hard for the fandom to accept that.

Macyn Chappell

im looking forward to the q&a and tier list already, especially for rory. you've gotten through the "rory becomes a 'terrible character'" arc that apparently 'ruined her' for a lot of fans and you still dont seem like you hate her or anything thankfully, but i am curious to see how you feel about her now and through the rest of the season (which i personally think 6 and 7 are her best seasons, but thats just me)


I always felt it was just bad writing by the writers. They needed something to create drama. It just seems so out of character for him.


Yeah, never got the Rory hate, even upon rewatching for the 100th time lol


are you speaking about the rest of the series or the revival series, as well?

Macyn Chappell

right! shes clearly flawed like all the other characters but shes nowhere near as bad as people make her out to be