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Ask any questions you may have in regards to How I Met Your Mother and they'll be answered in 4X01!



Who is your favourite friendship in the show and what friendship would you like to see more of??


What character in the “friend group” do you think you would get along with the best?

Henry Waddell

Who’s storyline/character arc are you most interested to see develop as the show goes on? P.s will you be going to multiple episodes per week at any point, because at the current rate it will take over 2 and a half years 😂? Great stuff tho. Loving the reactions!


What character would you like to see more of (story wise) and what story would you like to see (of that same character) (maybe their past or something like that)


What character do you think grew on you the most (that you maybe didn’t really like or cared for in the first few episodes) and what character do you think has the potential to grow on you as the show goes on (by “grow” I mean that you can maybe see them become one of your favs)


Now that you’ve watched 3 seasons of the show, where would you rank it amongst other comedies you’ve watched such as Friends or New Girl? & what is your favorite running joke on the show thus far?

Neftaly Duran

Which Robin sparkles song do you like more? Let’s go to the mall? Or Sandcastles in the sand?!


Do you have a favourite ship/relationship on the show? Also, would you consider reacting to the bloopers at some point? There's ones for each season on youtube, so I was thinking that maybe every time you finish a season you could react to the bloopers of that season (S1-S3 bloopers first ofc). Or you could also just leave them all at the end once you've finished the whole show, but I think it could be kind of fun to do them at the end of each season :)


Do you think Ted or Barney are a better match for Robin?


What are your predictions for each character by the end of season 4?

Manny Lombok

Who do you think is "The Mother"? Someone we've already seen or someone new?


Do you see any possible conflicts happening in the friend group


When do you think the mother will show up


Who background do you want to see flushed out for the next season

Doby Greg

Did you enjoy Ted & Robin better as friends or as couple?

The Falcon

Do you think Barney and Robin could work as a couple?

Doby Greg

How would rank Ted romances so far (Victoria, Robin, Stella) ?

Tahlia Dockrey

What’re your thoughts on Stella so far? Do you think Barney and Robin suit eachother considering the ending of the season? what’s your predictions for the following season? (I can’t even put specifics without spoiling it really)

Tahlia Dockrey

that’s such an unfair comparison since he hasn’t finished the show yet, but also I respect it bc I love both of those shows too😭

Dušan Tot

I wonder the same! Bloopers from this show are just hilarious throughout