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TVD 6X13



Just swapping this with Gilmore this week, so Gilmore will be tomorrow :)


best part of my work day, man, but i hear ya. I do have a lot of VD to catch up on!

Andrea Dcosta

Stefan and Caroline are so freaking cute together today's all of their scenes were so Beautiful loved them. Also I must say Kat acted so well in the ep she really shined yes it's a terrible situation for her but she did a wonderful performance. As whr as Tyler goes I understand both sides she just lost her bro we can't forget that but yes Tyler also isn't wrong here it's just a messed up situation. Also if we are talking about acting The actor of Kai- Chris acted so freaking well he's always good but this ep he was just too good what a performance specially how he started slapping himself lol top notch acting.

Andrea Dcosta

What is the best thing out of this season is def Damon and Bonnie's relation / friendship. I love how she calls him drama queen looking at his video clip then when she was going to kill herself and started to record she first took Damon's name even before Elena. And no1 else's name and how Damon helped her put the name on the atlas his every attempt to save her just shows how much he loves her and she loves him. The most pure bond for me after the bros is them 🥺


Hello! Recently resubscribed, not familiar with the schedule anymore. When will the next TVD episode be coming out? Thanks!