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Video: https://vimeo.com/911157895

Password: ttmdcqpaa


Sashwathi Sriganesh

@joe the other side is where all the supernatural creatures go when they die, so there have been ways for them to come back to the human world in the past. But if it is destroyed, then all those creatures disappear into oblivion and they’re dead (no real way for them to come back)


as a day 1 fan, this moment was actually shocking for us. We had to wait and see if they would actually bring ppl back because as we know right now the other side is destorying. Not everyone can come back or even be saved cuz they are getting sucked into nothing. So basically you cant really assume EVERYONE will be saved. So when we saw this live and stefan died, it was so shocking on twitter and i remember bawling my eyes out cuz as the episode showed ppl getting sucked into nothing, all we can do is assume stefan will be one of those ppl