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        Hi guys!

        You might've noticed I've slowed down on posting updates. To be quite honest, I was going overboard on them. If you support multiple authors, your main page shows content and posts from all of them which means if I'm over-posting, it floods your dashboard and pushes other authors you guys may be trying to support down into the depths. 

        Long-story short I've been working on a lot of things on the side, mostly preparations for organizing Patreon, rebuilding description pages, preparing for the v3 update, and so on. With the help of my friend and his coding and now some useful input from my father on descriptions as well as my main Patreon page, things will likely shift.

        That said, I'll likely put these on hold for now and continue Mayu. I want to get her out not just this month, but a couple of weeks before the end of the month. I'll probably throw in some freebie files at some point for everybody to have a sample; something to start with. Since some of you were investing in high tier rewards right off the bat, I'll probably save Mayu just for you guys and worry about freebies afterward. 

        To summarize things, this month Mayu is guaranteed. Shortly thereafter, the v3 update will probably be next which will push models into recreation complete with many additions, shifting how things work, simplifying just about everything (especially the descriptions which were way too wordy. I'm going to put some things on hold and get back to work on Mayu so I can push her out over the next week. All she needs is some clean up and rigging and once that's done the rest is a breeze.

        In the mean time, here's progression of the descriptions. It's covered with some experimental stuff, but hopefully it's starting to get much more appealing to the eye:

https://db.tt/i8EoLhxZ (The current descriptions)

https://db.tt/2uMlXXVn (Ipdated with bbcodes to clean things up and make them easier to read. The icons in the testing ground area are just there to test image-based links for patreon, tumblr, twitter, and so on. That section can be ignored for now.)

https://db.tt/qiAWXZ4w (The final update after input from my father. Most of the description was unnecessary, so it's now condensed, leaving only what's necessary. I pushed the testing ground for now. Though this is shown on the Miku page, it's actually being tested on a private addon. It was just Photoshopped in to show off how things may look when completed.)


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