Weekly Update | May 13, 2024 (Patreon)
Hi there! 👋 How are we all doing? We had a very full and fun weekend filled with socializing, park time, art fest fun, and sunshine. I hope last week brought you some peace/joy/love/comfort/joy/some combo/all of the above 💕
Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:
We’re wrapping up the runDisney Springtime Surprise series on YouTube this week with another mega vlog (think mega pint style - IYKYK 😉) where I share about the 10K, fun at Disney Springs, 10-Miler, and more fun at Animal Kingdom. Check back for Wednesday for early access 🏃♀️
Well….there’s another haul 🫣 Haha, oops? I’ve bought a few things for a big trip coming up but also just some more regular stuff as well, so I’m lumping it all together in Travel/Spring Haul Pt 2 for Friday’s community exclusive video 🛍️
I’m sending sunshine your way! Much love to all ☀️
❤️, Jen