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The theme for January is WOMEN OF DRAGONBALL, that means your idea must feature a female character from Dragonball/Dragonball Z in some kind of expansion/inflation scenario.

Here's the obligatory listing of the rules:

*Requests must be limited to 1 character (I may add a second character to make the scene better, ie the elf doctor in the Mrs. Claus pin up) *Requests must feature pregnancy, blueberry inflation, weight gain, stuffing, vore, etc. (Y'all know my wheelhouse :P)

*Post your requests in the comment section below. Please try and be as detailed as possible and include reference.

*I'll be posting a poll to vote on which idea gets drawn later in the month.


Pharaoh Sauron

Maron (Krillin's ex-girlfriend) inflating on the beach

Scott Fine

18 pregnant, grumpy, and hungry.