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For March, we typically focus on Nintendo for a theme and this month is no different! This time around the theme is THE LEGEND OF ZELDA! From Midna to Romani, Impa to Veran, give your best ideas below!

Here's the obligatory listing of the rules:

*Requests must be limited to 1 character (I may add a second character to make the scene better, ie the elf doctor in the Mrs. Claus pin up) *Requests must feature pregnancy, blueberry inflation, weight gain, stuffing, vore, etc. (Y'all know my wheelhouse :P)

*Post your requests in the comment section below. Please try and be as detailed as possible and include reference.

*I'll be posting a poll to vote on which idea gets drawn later in the month.


Scott Fine

Oh damn. I need to come up with a good one. I guess for now the Breath of the Wild Zelda in her famous frog catching pose with a fat ass.

Pharaoh Sauron

Cremia from Majora's Mask as a blueberry close to capacity/bursting getting her breasts pumped/milked for some fresh and new blueberry flavored milk to sell on her farm! <a href="https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/zelda_gamepedia_en/3/33/MM_Cremia_and_Romani_Artwork.png?version=6467ebb7e4adb879d1d84aa24f5ace2b" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/zelda_gamepedia_en/3/33/MM_Cremia_and_Romani_Artwork.png?version=6467ebb7e4adb879d1d84aa24f5ace2b</a> <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/marureenu/art/Cremia-466017857" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/marureenu/art/Cremia-466017857</a>


Imp Midna taking full advantage of Link being a wolf to scare merchants into giving her free food. She’s already quite fat so it’s clear she’s been at it for a while.

Broken Eclipse

Maybe Ashei in a fighting stance but looking sweaty and breathless and holding her belly which is pressing out against her girdle armor nearly breaking it?


I know nothing about Zelda...


That’s fine, if you want to just google search for female characters in the series and pick one you like, that’s all you’d really need.