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For April, the theme is ROBOTS & CYBORGS! These could feature original characters or licensed ones from TV, movies, comics, etc.! So if you've been wanting to see me draw Seven of Nine, now's your chance!

Here's the obligatory listing of the rules:

*Requests must be limited to 1 character (I may add a second character to make the scene better, ie the elf doctor in the Mrs. Claus pin up) *Requests must feature pregnancy, blueberry inflation, weight gain, stuffing, vore, etc. (Y'all know my wheelhouse :P)

*Post your requests in the comment section below. Please try and be as detailed as possible and include reference.

*I'll be posting a poll to vote on which idea gets drawn later in the month.


Gareth Price

Alita from "Alita battle angel." discovers a new component in the crashed great war ship, it turns out to be an artificial womb. upon installing it malfunctions and begins automated reproduction at rapid pace.

Scott Fine

I guess since you brought her up I can’t think of anything else. Seven of Nine re-discovering human food and eating herself into a bbw. Maybe even immobilized because of her huge fat belly.

Shadow ace

How about KOS-MOS from Xenosaga discovering a weapon that allows her to instantly vore her enemies


Nebula from GotG/Avengers...monstrously pregnant and bursting with the reincarnation of Thanos!

Pharaoh Sauron

2B from Nier: Automata activating her self-destruct overinflation mode, inflating towards the point of becoming a sphere before she bursts!

Broken Eclipse

Tall "sturdy" (read: Amazonian-like) synthetic human that was originally built for scouting new planets with space marines now being used to regenerate or smuggle frontier alien species back to shady black market dealer.

Broken Eclipse

Sorry, didnt mean to send yet lol https://www.deviantart.com/nradiowave/art/129-788994839 https://www.deviantart.com/ogremage/art/GestaTron-Red-163781655 I like the barcode idea from the second ref but her body should look more robotic like the first one.