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This month's theme is BUFF/WARRIOR WOMEN!

Like always, everyone has TWO VOTES. So if you submitted an idea, you can vote for your own BUT you'll need to vote for another as well.

As always, if there is a tie, I will be the tie breaking vote.

Voting ends Tuesday, January 25th at 8 PM EST



Good to see 2 others with good taste lol jk. I have a MIGHTY NEED to see a Powergirl as a Strongchonk™

Justin Payne

I'm glad that you used my idea for She Hulk. I hope that she wins! 💚💚💚💚


Of course, any idea that fits the theme and follows the general rules I mention will be used so don’t be afraid to submit an idea every month. I want to make sure my $5 patrons (and all of my patrons obviously) get their money’s worth :)

Scott Fine

Maybe we should combine the PG ideas and make her stongfat/pregnant.