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Great reaction! The Kettlemans are so funny. When Craig raises his coffee cup and then slowly puts it back down after Betsy sends the waitress away, comedy show. Jimmy is the ultimate underdog, it's so fun watching him here and trying to think what happens between now and BB-era Saul Goodman. Love seeing a little Mike montage/sequence, I could watch that man do basically anything set to a beat. Hamlin is so snakey, kept Jimmy out the firm, does all these little digs and looks like a blonde european supervillain while doing it lol. Glad you're noticing the framing and lighting choices... they pop off even more as the seasons progress, it's similar but stylistically different to Breaking Bad in a really delicious way. Maple is a human "IMDB Continuity Errors" page 💀

Nume Hall

I love this episode. One thing that is very fun is that the actors who play them did a commentary track for this episode in character (basically as if they're watching a documentary of what happened). It's very funny if you care to check it out. Here is a link on youtube (it's in a watchalong format so it doesn't have the episode video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V85Wq68o-m0

Chris Bruneau

The final scene where a despondent Jimmy kicks the door of the office he can no longer afford in an outburst of anguish is the most powerful of this series so far. I really felt his frustration. 😪


Gotta be super careful with spoilers in recommendations on that channel but it's a great channel! It's so funny how Bob Odenkirk (Jimmy) clearly doesn't watch the show and hasn't watched Breaking Bad, he'll ask a question and they'll be like "Bob that happened in S2". Conversely Jonathon Banks (Mike) has rewatched the show a ton and will be throwing out observations like he's doing a reaction video 💀 Honestly think more shows would benefit from doing reaction format videos with the actors of their own shows. I know a few channels do similar formats (like "XYZ dissects a scene" type stuff) but people love that stuff. Free marketing.

Nume Hall

Ah, I didn't realize that about the channel. I watched it myself on the blu ray special features, so I'm not familiar with the channel, I just searched for the commentary hoping someone would have it on Youtube :).


Maple has ruined my immersion for this show, pointing out the cameraman in the window! /s

cat named toebean

need me a baddy like Betsy, a real by the reigns kinda gal

TinCan Cosmanaut

Eagle eye Maple, Holy moly how did you spot that camera guy. Well done.

Zane Platt

The thing about Jimmy is that he is never as bad as others (particularly his brother) think or as good as he wishes he was. We see times when he has the opportunity to go fully straight and is either screwed by circumstance or himself. We also see times when he could do the wrong thing (like with the Kettlemans) but he chooses to do the moral thing. So it makes his journey more complicated than say Walt, who is pretty much on a steady decline in terms of morality (until the final).

Joe Blankenship

The music playing during Mike's little covert op is a song called "Tune Down" by Chris Joss. If you're into funky instrumental jams, definitely check out more Chris Joss.


holy sh*t good catch on the cameraman lmfao

Andrew Clifton

Betsy is truly one of the most insufferable characters of all time. 😂🤣😅