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Samuel K

the reaction to the car scene is what made me chuckle when I saw you guys were gonna watch this show. Shit made me throw my dinner in surprise when it happened to me.

f hf

I jumped so bad when I first watched this episode lol. I was kinda disappointed in myself lmao

Tom McTernan

Yeah, the scare in this episode is infamous by now. There are whole compilations of just reactors seeing that scene. I was excited to see the reaction to this one since the start. Definitely didn't disappoint haha

Melanie Roberts

If Chad told you one of the most well known jump scares for reactors wasn't scary, he's just messing with y'all. What kinds of movies do you like that he doesn't? Make him watch one with y'all. I agree on those chairs they need to be upgraded or replaced with something else like a cheap couch or better chairs. Is anybody out there reading this local to them and have chairs to donate?

Dave M.

Must edit this jumpscare with a slow motion instant replay for the edited YouTube video. Hahaha 🤣

MJ Eid

<3 u guys.

Chris Bruneau

well girls, are we having fun yet??? BTW, that car scene is the best jump scare I have EVER watched in my entire fucking life!!!!

Nikki Sylvester

The best jumpscare to date. 😂 I'm glad I subscribed to your Patreon to see it early. Great reaction! ☺️💖

Easy Breezy Bri

The jump scare we were allllll waiting for 😂

Its ame mario

At around 35 minute mark is when that scene happens

Chris Bruneau

Girls, you are not alone :) here is a compilation of YT reactions to THAT scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM6x2ZjVImo&t=626s

Samuel Bruce

What a Lions fan! So cool! Also how bout the best jump scare in television!

Ryan Reichhold

Easily the best jump scare in any movie or tv show ever!


One thing that always sticks out to me from this entire show was what Steve did to his wife. Getting a vasectomy before marriage and not telling your partner? Super messed up.


What is interesting is we have only had slow emerging scary scenes up until now which put me in a relaxed state so that jump scare really hit hard.

BJ Stephens

True, regardless of intentions, what Steve did was terrible. But one of the most important lines in the show is right after Steve makes that admission to his father, and Hugh's reply is "I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry" *Spoilers ahead if you haven't watched the whole show* He realizes that what's happened to Steve and consequentially to Steve's marriage is in large part his fault. Because of how he handled Olivia's death and kept the truth of it from his children, it put Steve on the path he's on where the idea of the inherited insanity is the only way he can understand the things that have happened to him and his family members. If Hugh had revealed how the house corrupted their mother and how her actions killed the Dudley's daughter and almost Nell and Luke, Steve would never have felt he and any children he had would be doomed to an awful fate, and wouldn't have gotten the vasectomy or lied to his wife about the whole situation.

Rich Cassou

lol that jump scare such a great reaction!

S13 Drift

oh fiddlesticks!