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Two episodes of this show was no problem, but Ted Lasso was causing “burnout”. Gotcha.


Hey, we understand that people have different preferences, but we don’t owe anyone a specific schedule or content output though we have kindly provided a template of what we want to complete. This replaced peaky blinders which was always 2hours - 1hour each episode. Ted Lasso went from 30 to 1 hour by season 2 which we were unaware of. We work hard to create quality content that aligns with our own schedules and capacities. We’ve addressed this before on the last Ted Lasso post you made another comment on and at this point, your comments are becoming disrespectful. If this channel doesn’t fit your needs, you’re welcome to unsubscribe after your free trial ends. We appreciate the support from those who understand and respect our process. Team Diegesis


Without giving out any potential spoilers, maybe you (the spectators) are not really supposed to feel invested in the whole "take down the big bad corporation" plot, the swedish guy subplot or anything else that goes on in the background. I think they made those plot points corny and clichè on purpose because they are not the main focus of the show, but obviously they needed something to setup the whole Mr. Robot universe which is definitely not a realistic setting. I mean, they named the main antagonist "Evil Corp", rich guys are having fancy Gotham style parties where they laugh with a shrimp cocktail in their hand and criminals speak in GTA. Everything so far is 2 dimensional, but it's so obviously 2D that it's almost like they wanted it to be that way. All I can say is that shit will get even more confusing and irritating from now on but for *spoiler reasons that will eventually make sense* it is to this day one of the best show I've ever watched.


ROT13 spoilers!!! (use ROT13 to read, but there's spoilers!!!): V guvax gurl qba'g yvxr gur fubj. Vg'f n urvtugrarq ernyvgl ohg gurl'er abg fhccbfrq gb npgviryl guvax gur cybg vf fvyyl be onq. V'z jbeevrq gurl jba'g znxr vg guebhtu Frnfba 2 ng guvf engr. Gur cnlbssf ner boivbhfyl vaperqvoyr ohg V'z jbeevrq gurl jbag uvg nf uneq phm gurl'er rkcrpgvat n znffvir cnlbss, yvxr jura gurl trg gb rc 9 urer gurl'er tbaan or yvxr "bx vg jnf yvxr jr thrffrq" naq vg jba'g or rabhtu gb znxr hc sbe nal artngvir srryvatf. Naq gura Frnfba 2 vf ernyyl tbaan qent sbe gurz V guvax, V'z oenpvat zlfrys sbe gurz gb cvibg njnl ng guvf engr (juvpu jbhyq or fnq ohg svar, abg rirelguvat vf sbe rirelbar).


I think you'll grow to like it haha, on rewatches too it has so much depth and complexity. I think with how you guys view shows you'll end up loving it a lot, but we'll see

Camden Marr

i haven’t been able to watch this reaction yet. did they say they aren’t liking the show?


Also think the show is a tiny bit goofy haha there's some nerdy little bits that are fun. It's one of those shows that gets better with every episode so I think you'll get used to it soon

Jonas Buckner

V guvax vg'f cresrpgyl abezny sbe gurz gb ungr vg ng guvf cbvag. V unq gb cenpgvpnyyl sbepr zl fvfgre gb trg gb gur raq bs frnfba bar, gura vg orpnzr bar bs ure snibevgr fubjf. Vg vf n fybj ohea jurer gur cnlbssf ner ng gur raqf bs frnfbaf, fb V pna haqrefgnaq gurve qvssvphygl jvgu vg. V jbhyq ungr gb frr gurz tvir vg hc. V yvxrq gur fubj n ybg ol guvf rcvfbqr, ohg gung'f orpnhfr V gubhtug gurve dhrfg gb gnxr qbja rivy pbec jnf vagraqrq gb ybbx fvyyl naq cbvagyrff. Vs lbh gnxr vg ng snpr inyhr, lbh nffhzr gur fubj vf fvyyl naq cbvagyrff, ohg vg gheaf bhg gb or n synj va gur punenpgref, abg gur fubj, naq Zncyr naq Nevnaan qba'g xabj gung lrg. V'yy nyfb cbvag bhg gung gur rcvfbqr avar gjvfg gung gurl'er rkcrpgvat vf abg gur bayl gjvfg va gur fubj. Va snpg, vg'f xvaq bs n erq ureevat gb znxr lbh ybbx gur bgure jnl sebz gur bgure gjvfgf.


Yeah camden I think its a bit of a different show then they've watched on here before but they aren't really connecting with it much so far, all opinions tbf, I was hooked from the start but it's interesting seeing other people watch it


Some of the dialogue in the early parts of this show is very wooden, and it always surprised me that more people did not notice that. It especially stands out in the first episode. Some of it is some intentional avant garde thing, depending on the scene. Some of it is just plain bad. I can state with complete certainty however, that "that's whats up girl" was not meant to be a hard line. I think he's just meant to be silly. [warning an opinion is about to be stated] I completely agree that the show should have delved even more into surrealism because it would have made itself a lot more clear. The thing is, the show basically is surreal, just not visually. Much of the character behaviour and dialogue is more akin to a David Lynch work than Succession. That is really the way to approach it imo. Tyrell for example is on his face an unrealistic character, I don't think the show pretends he isn't. Parts of him are realistic, he exists in a very mundane and realistic context, but he is neither. He's not meant to be a joke, he's also not entirely meant to be serious (or taken seriously rather, he is very serious in his own mind). It isn't a binary thing where the show is Barry or Succession. It's closer to twin peaks than either as I see it. Speaking of Lynch, he did once say something about how his goals with surrealism was to create a unique feeling that could only be created in a film, that wasn't easily put into words in some other medium. I think that is how to understand some more extravagant parts of this show. One thing that stood out to me was your comments on his internal monologue about 'telling her what she wanted to hear', and how it seemed unnecessary or unrealistic. The thing is, Elliot is autistic, it's clear as day from the first episode. And oversharing on the internet is cringe and all that but he was one of the first characters I ever saw where I thought that I could actually understand how he was thinking and what his problems were. Minus the morphine and the tv entertainment stuff. I have had that internal monologue hundreds of times, maybe not exactly that one but similar ones. You mentioned relating more to Angela than anyone else. It is understandably harder to enjoy the show if you do not relate to the main character, I don't know if you don't, but it does not seem like it. If not, I can say that his internal thought processes are entirely realistic, they're just not yours. The reason I say this is that the show does rest upon him in a big way, and the show owes much of its popularity to people who did relate to the main character. I guess what I am saying is that to get the most out of the show: 1 - Some of the early writing and acting isn't really defensible, but it does get better, it isn't much to worry about 2 - It's futile to try to slot it in with a more conventional show to find some unified framework by which to judge the veracity or relevance of this or that thing. The things that make sense will eventually make sense, the things that do not never will. That's a truism in some sense but I don't want to spoil anything. 3 - Elliot is the soul of the whole thing. And I am not trying to be one of those weirdos going "grr react correctly >:( " but it was a bit telling that in a lot of his most emotional moments you did not really react, but obviously you've outright cried to shows before. I would allege, granted with no proof, that you don't really know what it's like to be that guy. And the less you do, the less weight many of the things in the show will have. Only because I love this show and want others to get the best out of it too, my suggestion is that you take it as an opportunity to learn about / explore what things are like for him and why. [boring cyber security nitpicks] The man breaking down and getting his boss is not necessarily unrealistic. It is indeed not how the vast majority of people would react but the point of social engineering and the prepping of it (the research Romero did before the hack) is that you do not need the majority of people, often one person will react how you want, and you only need one. It is used in real attacks, much like that, and it works. Likewise with the USB sticks, him sticking it into his computer is not unrealistic. Most people will not stick a random USB into their computer, or respond to an obvious scam email, but a certain percentage of people will, there's tons of research on that. And it's not even, as you might think, the "dumb" ones or some set group of people that fall for it. Anyone can fall for a scam or trick on the wrong day. I got nothing for you on Pitbull. I mean he had to have one fan in 2015 no? Would track with his goofy behaviour.

windextor89 .

Imo I think you guys should pick a new show. When you guys arent invested in a show it makes the reaction videos unwatchable.

slippin' kimmy

i have a feeling you guys are definitely not gonna enjoy the rest of the show hahahaha rip


they shoot everything or nearly everything in one day, they just release it staggered. It's simply a matter of there not being that much time in a day.


yeah it's like they're trying to nitpick every little detail that I would never even care or think about and I'm overanalytical. It's like with BB when they got obsessed over Walt being an idiot/lucky and Gus being smart in Breaking Bad and turned every single narrative or thought process towards it.


V whfg srry yvxr gurl bsgra fhpphzo gb gurve bja ovnfrf be nffhzcgvbaf/aneengvirf. Jr fnj vg jvgu Oernxvat Onq ernpgvbaf jurer gurl svggrq gur aneengvir gb gurve vagrecergngvba gung unq onfvf va gur pbagrkg bs gur fubj ohg vg jnfa'g gur shyy cvpgher. Bs pbhefr jr'er nyy serr gb vagrecerg naq ernpg gur jnl jr jnag gb ohg ynpx bs bcra zvaq be ershfny gb frr gur funqrf bs tenl bayl ehvaf gur rkcrevrapr. Nf fbzrbar fnvq nobir, jr pna pyrneyl frr gurl qba'g pbaarpg jvgu Ryyvbg'f fgehttyrf ng nyy. Zncyr zhpu zber pbaarpgrq jvgu Natryn jub tbg purngrq ba. Naq ng gur fnzr gvzr gurl'er abg jvyyvat gb or bcra zvaqrq rabhtu. Nyfb, abg rirel qvnybthr unf gb or frg naq qvccrq va ernyvgl va beqre gb or tbbq, fbzrgvzrf nyy vg arrqf vf gb or pburfvir jvgu gur erfg (jbeyq-ohvyqvat, punenpgref) naq V unir ab pyhr jul gurl unir n ceboyrz jvgu ubj purrfl jnaan-or tnatfgre (gurl gurzfryirf pnyyrq) gnyx yvxr gung. V arire unq nal vffhr jvgu vg.

Jonas Buckner

I only recently subscribed on here, but boy, I thought their patrons would have more patience with them than random youtube comments.


I definitely think episodes 1x8 and 1x9 will be a critical test for whether or not you two should continue with this show. If you're still not engaged/intrigued by this show after watching those episodes, then you almost certainly won't enjoy the rest of the show.


The only thing I'll say is that the main plot/premise of the show has not been revealed yet. Everything up to this point has been purely setup and to introduce you to the characters.


Guys give yourself time till the end of the 1st season to decide if you want to continue with the show because this and last episodes are literally unwatchable for us and for you. Like I get that if you are not into the show some of this stuff is easy to ridicule but so is Breaking Bad. I'm a huge BB fan, watched it like 4 times and still first season is hard to get through especially 1/2 of first season it might be like this for you. What won't make it easy is make fun of every single dialogue and discreding any story building. Like I'm not trying to get you guys to "fake it" or behave unnaturally but come on you watched hundreds of tv show this surely can't be the first where you aren't in it but want ot give it a try. If you really can't get through it without continuing to react like in this and previous episode might as well cut it off here even though I was psyched for your reactions because this is such a hard watch right now.


Words out of my mouth. Like maybe it's just me but the only right way is to either stop or get through it but reacting like this is a chore for them and us

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Yeah, so 1x6 is the episode that hooks a vast majority if they haven't already been so it's likely this show just isn't for you guys. I would agree with the others that it may be best to just pick a new show because it won't be enjoyable for fans of Mr. Robot either.


V ernyyl yvxr bppnfvbany avgcvpxf ng fbzr bs gur qvnybthr orvat fvyyl, ohg qbvat vg pbafgnagyl qrfgeblf gur ernpgvba inyhr sbe gur ivrjre. Gur fubj vgfrys pregnvayl vzcebirf, ohg vg qbrfa’g punatr vgf pber ivor, juvpu gurl frrz gb qvfyvxr. V guvax gurl tbg qvfpbhentrq rneyl naq nonaqbarq nal nggrzcgf gb qvt vagb gur fubj naq gel gb haqrefgnaq pregnva qryvorengryl haernyvfgvp fprarf. Guvf vf cerggl zhpu gur fnzr guvat gung unccrarq va Oernxvat Onq, jurer gurl jrer pbafgnagyl pevgvpvmvat Jnyg sbe orvat n onq thl, juvpu vf inyvq, ohg vg yrq gb vtabevat jubyr fprarf naq qvfertneqvat qvnybthr orpnhfr gurl jrer enagvat nobhg ubj rivy, rtbgvfgvpny, frys-qryhqrq, be znavchyngvir Jnyg vf. Jung qvqa’g uryc jnf gur ivrjref' pbzzragf, evtugyl cbvagvat bhg gung gurl fubhyq cnl zber nggragvba gb gur fubj vafgrnq bs enagvat nobhg Jnyg rirel fprar, naq gurl qvqa’g gnxr gung pevgvdhr jryy. V ernyyl ubcr gurl trg vagb Ze. Ebobg orpnhfr vg’f n snagnfgvp fubj, ohg V’q engure jngpu n qvssrerag ernpgvba guna fvg guebhtu bar bs zl uvtuyl ertneqrq fubjf orvat gbea ncneg naq evqvphyrq orpnhfr vg qvqa’g zngpu gurve gnfgr.


I really hope this reaction series turns around because right now I am really bummed that I subbed for this. If they don't come around by the end of season 1 just stick a fork in it and call it quits. At least some other reactors have been vibing with the show that I can watch.


They're very caught up in looking for the twist and also just not really seeing what the show is at the moment. Which, to be fair, it hasn't really come into focus yet.

Camden Marr

welp this is kinda sad. I suggest you watch at least the rest of season one and if you still dont like it then pick a new show. it sucks because a lot of people, myself included, were super excited for these reactions. but i think its the best choice. the last two episodes were not fun to watch for you guys or for us. so if thats gonna be the case for the whole show i think its best to call it quits.


Honestly I thought episode 7 was pretty good just need something to really grab me! I feel like I'm in it at this point I have to finish it lol - Maple


Sorry I meant episode 6 - I think I mentioned 7 because we have been told that 7 and 8 are kind THE episodes!


We had many mention that 7 and 8 are kinda THE episodes! I have expressed that I am happy to finish them! - Maple

Arson Stays Up Too Late Watching Video Tapes

I do appreciate the honesty and perspective 🤍. I prefer reactors not to pretend they liked what they watched. But, however unintentional it may be, this does come across as ridicule. I gave your viewpoints my attention and appreciate your efforts. I get disappointment when looking forward to an episode of a tv show and to be let down. In 2015 I was able to connect and relate with the show in many ways that are personal to my life experiences. That said, I also found some of the writing and events to be laborious. I stopped watching in season 3 as life got crazy. I'm glad I was able to bring myself back to finish out the show. I see the beauty now.


Lrnu, ng yrnfg gur pbzzragf urer nera'g n ohapu bs zra fnlvat gur tveyf unir ab zrqvn yvgrenpl naq gung Jnyg vf npghnyyl nznmvat yby. Gung ernyyl xvyyrq gur ivor bire gurer. Gung'f bar bs gur ernfbaf V EBG13 guvf.


If there's a positive here, it's that you guys are caught up in stuff that's not really important at all and you are walking right into the blindside. If that doesn't hook you both for good idk what will.

Camden Marr

it definitely just gets better as it goes on. 8 and 9 are the big episodes in season 1. i’m glad you’re going to try to stick with it. i think you will grow to like it

Jonas Buckner

Truthfully, even if you don't like episodes 7, 8, and 9, I'll be bummed if you don't go on after season 1. I think there are characters and moments that will definitely enjoy in seasons 2 and 3, based on what I've seen from your other reactions. And I would enjoy watching you enjoy those.

Camden Marr

i agree that i would love for them to keep watching, but if it’s just going to be them not enjoying the show the whole time those reactions won’t be very fun. i think they will like the rest of season 1 though

Chris Bruneau

I am sensing a growing frustration here--which does not bode well for the future of this series on the channel.

Chris Bruneau

Arianna rockin' the Princess Rapunzel look, awesome!


Really good way of putting it, this show isn't in the style of Better Call Saul where the way they made the show and the writing was all designed to be as close to reality as possible.


Time for another poll after season 1 lol

Spencer Wattamaniuk

Yeah. I rewatched their reactions for 5 and 6 and I do get the criticisms regarding some of the wooden dialogue we see in S1 and frustrations with the unreliable narrator. I will say that some of the more whimsy dialogue does serve a purpose. I can't agree with the "unrealistic" criticism because this show is meant to be surreal and a little...off. It's a David Fincher esque style of directing. I just wish I could put this into better words but I can't without spoiling parts of the show. Nothing is by accident in this show, let's just put it that way.

Arson Stays Up Too Late Watching Video Tapes

Frankly, I just think they are gettin burnt out form the schedule. They are working them pretty hard and they have Jobs/School outside of this gig. Getting to those moments you reference is not the issue. It's the patience , time , and effort it takes to get to those moments that they may not me willing to invest.


Maple singing the Halo theme to a confused Arianna was not something I expected lol. Also I enjoy the both of your GENUINE reactions to this and BB. Some of Mr. Robot is rough tbh but I also think it has a few of the best episodes of tv I've ever seen.


Don't force yourself for a show you don't like. I watched season 1 when it first came out. But stopped there I never liked it and I was trying again with at least a reaction video too. But I can't the twist is good though I give it that but it wasn't enough for me to keep on.


Nothing wrong with being 100% honest in your reactions. I just hope you guys see it through so you can understand what the show is intending to tell you. Also Maple singing the Halo song was fucking hilarious!