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Dan Pettit

Nice job ladies! But, I'm unfamiliar with the term "full lobster". Is that a medical condition?


I think she means when is puts her "claws" together from nervousness lmao

Timothy Burrows

Steve was originally supposed to die in Season 1. I can't wait to watch your journey with him.


I have not seen season 2, will begin now but your explenation for the ending makes little sense, Hopper looked happy, why would he be happy if he knew she was in that awful place all alone and trapped?

Eric Wallace

Another feel good epsiode of a feel good show!


Great reactions. Can’t wait for future seasons!

Paul Walker

So wild to rewatch season 1 after season 4.

Joshua Bonifacio

Can't wait until the start of the second season!

Dave M.

I want to see what Arianna's Apple Watch reads for her heart rate when it cuts from Will in the Upside Down to JIm Hopper in the hospital getting compressions. Is that a messed up thing to say? Definitely put Apple Watch heart rates on the screen from now on. ⌚️